Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hmm.. its january 2010 already rite?

time passed and i let it pass. it doesnt mean anything to me. somehow i dont feel like having a resolution, or anything that screams yay, im in the new year! cos it doesnt matter.

all that matters, is my graduation this year. and den, well, the rest is secondary.

time flies, to end of a semester year. bcos of projects, and exams.

but its still a standstill for me, in reality. cos i haven change. maybe that's why.

now, to flashback to the year 2009. to what i ve achieved in 2009.

  1. i went to hokkaido

  2. i learn basic jap, to be specific, in dec 08 - aug 09.

  3. i volunteered myself to 'attachment' during my long break. its kinda surprised to many ppl. haha.

  4. i did my first interview and survey for project. *i shall always rmb this.*

  5. i attempted to fix my pc hardware by myself. consider that as an experience.

  6. i held a 'surprised' party for kevin. lol.

  7. i rode the sg flyer on my bday for the first time in my life.

  8. i rode the car that my brother drove for the first time.

well, it may be insignificant but thats pretty much all thats new to me in 2009.

maybe things gonna change abit after i graduate. we'll see again next year. haha.

now, back to my anime. *some things nv change!*

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