Friday, January 15, 2010

i used to love reading wei si li chuan qi.

i think thats the only chinese novel i read haha.. cos i like this kinda mystery stories..

some of wei si li's stories freak me out lol.. but it was fun to read them.

maybe i should get the whole collection and read them one day. after projects i guess.

1st year poly gathering! haha..

been long since we last met.. but nvm we shall meet at least twice these 2 months.. one for this upcoming one, and the other for chinese new year.. keke..

do we meet up on cny every year? i got inspired by chin sher's uncle last year that we should keep in contact haha.. chin sher, i still rmb what ur uncle says... keke..

anyways, looking forward to meet up and crap like always! haha..!

anyone wanna go to some mummy exhibition at the national museum this coming sat? i thiink its free for students, so long as u got ur student pass. 15 bucks for adults, but still need to get tix from sistic. im soo going... sms me haha..

Quest for Immortality

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