Sunday, December 31, 2006
sat went to sing ktv with my bro n cousins from 2-7pm.. exchange gifts and i got a cushion with a pressable button for colorful lights.. bro got a stitch mug(xmas) and a cap(his bday) from the sistas.. ate at jp and met dear n his fren for deathnote 2.. and went home after that.. so tired *yawns*
Friday, December 29, 2006
first our xiaojie, ms kw, on april
then our joker, ncs, on may
then my dearest kev, on aug
then come to weisheng, on oct
and lastly da niu, on nov..
woohoo, thru-out the yr man!
n then we'll be 21, 'cept for love n yq =x
happy new year 2007!!! LOL
Thursday, December 28, 2006
no motivation to do assignments.. one, the net is down. two, its simply dunno how to do..
having a whole week break currently and starts sch only on next thurs.. shiok rite haha..
erm.. wanting to paint my room again.. cos the color dun match when i bought the curtain haha.. its yellow and then my walls r blue.. wierd rite? all other things r also yellow/light and wood color such as bed, couch, tables and cupboard. i wanna get it done b4 new year but then again i dunno whether i should do it this week not.. its a long weekend and i dun wanna spoilt it..
i ve been compiling a new yr resolution. and so far i follow a few of those haha.. i am still me.. its hard to change..
but with determination, yeap..
gonna go down buy lunch liao.. looks like its going to rain again.. damp my mood.. darn it -.-
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
1stly, went to celebrate eve of xmas wit my usual group of gang at settlers in hollandv.. after that me n dear went to beach rd to help gw buy army stuffs.. went back to his hse to ve dinner.. n stay until 10 then went home..
2ndly, met dear at ps to watch curse of golden flower.. then walked around to find our prez lol.. yay i got my esprit jacket! guess it can be cancelled from my wishlist.. went back his hse to ve dinner and then went home whilst he booked in..
i saw a girl crying on the train during xmas eve when i was going home.. it may be bcos that her r/s failed.. well, at any pt.. she may not get used to getting home alone in the first few weeks.. i felt for her then..
i think i take things for granted too much.. i cause misery on myself and for ppl around me..
i din reflect after xmas eve.. i continue to expect more.. but only tot that bcos its a special occasion..
on eve, my toe had blistered n my heart hurt..
on xmas, my back ache n my heart hurt..
shuang chong da ji..
now i wonder.. if anything else hurt when my heart bleeds?
is it wrong wanting romance? whens the last time ur bf do something mushy for u?
i asked myself that alot of times.. isnt that what a girl wants? i think i ve troubling getting this out of me properly.. pls help me..
i dun want to expect more.. i dun want to think abt any more romance.. just get it simple.. but thats what my heart yearns for.. am i wrong in wanting this out of a relationship?
yeah, i compare too much.. thats bcos i saw the visible romance that my frens ve.. things like, bf send tauhuay to her hse one fine morning.. or bf went to pick her up early in the morning.. or bf shower her gifts at the first stage of their r/s.. or that bf wrote small cards to her.. bring her to eat wherever they like.. bring her to really romantic places..
yes i noe its impossible that every guy do this.. but i only hope to only get them once in a while.. n of cos u call going to shopping and movies and eating together romantic, but its what couples do often rite? other than that..
what abt going to parks late at night where u just want to spend time with each other without getting home early? what abt staying up together to talk from night to dawn? what abt watching a good movie at home? what abt doing things that both of u like to do(e.g puzzle)? what abt having candlelights dinner(homecooked)? what abt doing household chores together?
i dun really care abt spending money.. all i want i romance from the guy i love.. i dun think all these require money.. i am not a spendthrift.. i save from the pocket money i get.. but i couldnt bcos thats all i get and i ve to spend it all for daily expenses.. and bcos i ve no more money.. thats y i cant spend my own.. and sometimes i spend some extra thing, it exceeds my pocket money.. but at least its only abit.. maybe next time i should just eat 2.50 for 1 month and stop spending unneccessary items..
omg, i realised i can only get things outta my chest by typing.. sry guys.. do not worry.. just needa help me.. haha.. i need to write down a list of what i should do n not do.. alright that shall be my new year resolution! i can do it!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
after that we went to meet alvin at ps's arcade.. watched them played around 1 hour like that then go eat burger king.. tok cock all the way.. LOL then went to actioncity trying to find xmas prez.. cant find..
yinghui came to join us.. he haven eaten so we accompany him to ljs to eat.. walked around after that.. i mean go back arcade again.. where we played photohunt again..
rode alvin's scooter to marina square.. weilian sat on longze one.. met the girls after their lesson at 5 at the bowling center.. will's gf came after work.. watched them play 2 games.. eve left early to meet her bf.. yh bought n73 for angie sia.. so envious of her.. he really dote on her lo..
left to go swensen to eat dinner.. the jokes still on longze n angie haha.. i think they ve to tahan for 7 7 = 49 days sia.. rumours ma.. then will stop.. well i really hope angie love him the way yinghui love her..
left after dinner.. it was raining again.. so they were waiting for the rain to stop to ride their bike.. tata..
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
tue came a very lousy day.. lost my ezlink card on the bus when i was about to alight.. i flung the card away LOL then couldnt find it.. after class, went to cancel the giro from the ezlink card.. hopefully no one found it and use it.. *cross fingers* came home to continue doing socie..
din go to sch on wed so urm try to complete socie assignment.. but left til conclusion haven write..
thurs went to sch.. was tired bcos of staying up late to do socie.. anyway, went to meet jj, betty, jo n cs after ibm.. went to mind's cafe to play games.. dan joined us later.. had a quite a fun nite playing group games.. dan sent us to clementi and then cs n i took the last bus home.. relieved that theres bus.. or else stranded lol..
today was doing the conclusion.. then went to meet my parents after they came back from tekong(to send my bro off).. y i din go ar?? firstly, i slept late yday.. 2ndly, my bro forgot to wake me up n my mum din noe i decided to go.. aiya.. when he grad from bmt then i go la.. nth to miss anyway.. my mum's complaining abt the long journey to tekong and then ve to walk alot and the food sux.. LOL.. oh where was i? yea.. meeting my parents to buy hp one... but k800i was out of stock, everywhere i guess.. so din able to get one.. waiting for the next singtel promo..
alright.. shall bath and do my ibm now.. shucks.. dunno when to hand in.. mon(original class) or thurs(going now)? tata.. oh btw.. my new taggie is not bad.. do tag me loadsss.. thx =)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
yh send me pictures during his bday.. i looked ugly in every pic -.-

oh and this is on will's bday.. though i wasnt there..

fri stoned at home..
sat - me n gw met xx n yw at boonlay control.. went to taka to eat seoul garden.. not bad.. at least i eat quite a lot this time round.. full.. and had our usual routine.. whoever lose the zhong ji mi ma would ve to take a little portion of the leftovers.. lol.. finished the whole thing finally and walked to kino.. waited for them to buy books and mag.. and make a beeline to the departmental store.. looked around for bag and jacket.. yw took a liking to the converse bag.. but convinced her to look around first at the b1's sports shop.. it din ve the converse bag she wanted so we went back again n she bought it.. oh i took a photo of the xmas tree standing at the lobby of ngee ann city..

slacked at coffee bean cos we walked until very sian and then so full.. was supposed to go to meet with my parents for dinner at crystal jade.. din go cos we dun wanna go back jp and were still full.. stayed there until 10pm.. i think 4 hours hahaha.. and shared cab home.. din meet them for quite a long time, so caught up with them for quite a bit.. haha.. sj, see la, u nv come.. LOL
the next day, i was playing ro again with dear until 12pm... cos i meeting him at 2 at bugis.. wanted to watch open season but theres only 9pm slot.. damn it.. nvm so windowed-shop around bugis junction.. we went watson cos i wanted to get a blackhead remover loop.. then sat down to eat mars bars.. which we went into kino again -.- after snacks.. went bugis street to walk around looking for bags for him.. he bought one at square for army.. and then we went home.. got to his house and the hong xing da jiang was showing on the tv.. had yummy dinner, the soup was made with chicken(my mum nv do that) and had other good dishes, like codfish, too.. went down with him to gym.. at first it was told that someone was using the room so i went back.. then he called me to go down cos nobody le.. so i went.. at the lift, i nearly died.. 4 huge angmohs came in the lift.. they were really huge!! all i do was to stare at the lift door, hurrying it to open.. scary! just when i tot the worst part was over... the angmohs came in the gym room -.- so i was stucked there watching hong xing da jiang with dear doing his weight lifting.. darn, i looked like an idiot doing nth at a gym! how was i supposed to noe ppl wanting to do gym at 7pm still.. and top of it, angmohs!! so after 15 mins, i finally breathed out(literally) as we left.. haha.. funny sia.. i went back to continue watching while he bathed and get prepared to book in.. he looked good with his new backpack *shy* LOL anyway, i accompanied him to take the north line to yishun.. and he left while i continued the journey back to je.. reached home around 10pm though.. anyway, was glad that i made a new move to want him to do something.. LOL u'll nv know....
Friday, December 08, 2006
Think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself and they gotta be true. Come up with another 5 false statements regarding yourself. Jumble all of them up and list them in any order. Post in your blog and let people guess which are fake. Get 5 others to do the same.
5 others:
- betty
- joanne
- jj
- kaiwen
- wang-ge
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
sat i met dear 2.30 at outram.. cos we r going to sentosa for sightseeing.. din of cos take any pics.. we r not tourists ma.. the sun was extreme on that day.. i was already not feeling very well(tired) and then the blazing sun make me feel more worse.. din walk much cos nowhere to go + no time + i really dun wanna go under the sun anymore.. went to bugis to meet dear's frens for steamboat.. there were 10 of us.. yup all guys except me.. dun really mind cos i hang out with guys way too much.. LOL finally gotten a 10-seats restaurant opp bugis junction.. ate mostly beef.. after dinner went back to bugis's arcade.. saw alvin there.. hes going to meet his fren to play at the arcade b4 going for the standard chartered marathon thingy.. anyway, pei the guys play arcade and watched this very zai guy played house-of-the-dead 4 cos his aiming is good and he used both hands.. and finally reached the final stage and of cos finished the game.. after that dear n i went home le..
Saturday, December 02, 2006
i met him to go ikea on wed.. had the delicious hotdog bun first and then went to look for my drawers and a standing mirror.. kev found a side table suitable for his laptop but din buy it.. i din find any of my things.. and feet were already aching like hell.. went to burger king to eat something.. then went back his house cos he booking in at night.. watched the movie "girl-next-door".. the shows disturbing + i was already very tired so i dun ve the mood le haha.. went home like a zombie after having dinner.. dear went to take a cab to his fren's b4 going to neesoon camp..
thurs went sch and as usual i refused to wake up.. but i rmb i din pack the night b4.. so i quickly "jumped" out and get dressed.. well, took 157 to bukit timah to change bus to 61.. 61 finally came at 8.50am.. i squeeze thru the backdoor with the others.. somebody was shouting something.. i couldnt hear cos i was listening to song.. someone got down then and the bus moved on.. i think its bcos of us boarding the bus by the exit door.. anyway, i reached sch just in time.. i tot frances would complain abt ppl coming late again.. but today she din say anything even when ppl coming in at 9.25am.. guess she noes now that the traffic is horrid.. after class, met kw and the guys for luncheon together.. after kw left, i joined the guys again for ibm lesson.. yh, alvin, eve angie and me went jp for pizza while william went home.. tot they wanna eat at pizza hut.. but they wanna go pizza place instead.. eve left to meet her bf at 6.30pm.. the rest of us went to the arcade.. yh cannot go to work bcos of the heavy rain.. finally went home around 8+pm
Friday, December 01, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
was slacking a while after dinner and then i went to withdraw money n returned to lcc who helped me pay the dinner first.. the whole group walked to cine's cinema intending to watch some movie.. the movie slots all too late n so they din noe what to do already.. after some discussion, stranding there, lcc me and mike decided to go to seng's hse to play mahjong.. the others went home.. bcos mahjong only require 4 ppl.. we managed to play 15 rounds of mahjong.. cos bth so finally shared a cab home with mike.. lol i din pay a single cent for the cab, so happy.. cos mike gave me 10 bucks and when it reached my hse, it was 10 bucks.. just nice.. oh of cos he got down first.. near my hse there ma..
sun - arranged to go sentosa with betty n jo.. din really wanted to go cos i was tired and it feels like it could rain anytime.. well gave up the thought cos joanne needed company.. betty meeting her colleagues too.. was late for an hour but they were eating lunching so din really matter.. finally reached siloso beach around 11.30am.. me and jo went aside to suntan while the others played volleyball.. everything stopped at 2 bcos it started raining and poured when we finished bathing at the bathroom in palawan beach.. y we go there to shower? cos the siloso beach's toilet had simply too many ppl... left around 2.45.. bet and me met dan at the cityhall station while jo went to pasir ris.. shortly after, dear came to join us.. went to marina square's kfc to ve my first meal of the day.. lol.. anyway, after that went around looking for a nice footwear for kevin's cuz's wedding dinner.. the other couple went to buy movie tix and then came back join us.. they left again to buy things when we were at charles n keith.. still desperately looking for a evening dress.. din find one and then kev's sis msged to say she has a black cocktail dress.. went back to charles n keith to buy my matching-color flats and finally got back to his hse.. changed, looked nice liao and then left at 7.30pm to copthone hotel
freaked me out when i stepped inside the ballroom.. relatives were looking at me.. some were asking who i am so on so forth.. i realised i shouldnt go -.- haha.. sat with the family and then the wedding procedure started.. the food was okay, not as good as guolong's wedding dinner.. place was alot smaller.. well.. li lin(kev's sis) complained abt the place being small.. i only say that the old waitress had a prob serving us.. she wasted the shark's fin soup as she was serving... she just dripped the soup while dragging it to every bowl.. same goes for some other dishes.. dinner ends around 10pm and the family drove me home.. abit paiseh but justin(his bro) insisted on sending me home since its near.. i din noe its at bukit timah until i saw the road sign as we drove along.. and he called that near -.- well, reached home around 11pm cos things just dragged abit.. initially me n dear wanted to take a taxi home but then justin insisted on sending me home so had to walk back.. overall i had quite a day.. crashed at 11.30pm..
Friday, November 24, 2006
how ever many hours i slept is still de same.. darn.. i woke up finally at 7.30 am(cos i was waiting my mum to call me.. i just refused to get up at 7) and i just washed up, preparing for sch.. once reached the class, i saw the class studying(or what i thought).. after 15 mins later, i realised that they r doing the test already.. so i mistaken the words on the board.. i thought it said test start at 10.05 but it wrote test to 10.05 -.- eventually i begin to do my test also.. only to also found out that ppl r so much like studying becos its a open-book test -.- anyway, i still couldnt finish in time cos i wasted around 20 mins in the first half of my test time.. and bcos i really dun understand the qn.. haiz.. my ans was relevant but it wasnt really answering to the qn.. my fren is pro.. she prepared the test already.. so even though she came late, she just ve to copy whatever she prepared and submit it.. and of cos we did the test somemore when it was breaktime.. cos couldnt finish what.. i finally couldnt take it.. cos firstly i know i din really understand the qn.. 2ndly, i ve no time to write over again my stuff.. so in the end i only hand in 2 sides of the essay.. well, its supposed to be 3-4 sides.. great, i hope it isnt graded.. well i dun think it is la.. cos frances gave us the qn beforehand.. yea i noe i noe.. i dun really understand the qn ma.. at least theres few marks involved.. well uol tests shouldnt be graded i think.. but the lecturers send the tests to the office leh.. y ar? to see how we fare and pass the 1st yr?? i also dunno leh.. whatever it is, its over.. but next week, nagep's going to give us our 2nd assignment -.- we should ve said "no" in unison and aloud when he asked.. after psycho lesson, went to lunch with kw at np.. the food there still sucks, nv improve.. and so small portion.. i tell u, sp food better lor.. anyway, went for ibm after lunch and she went back.. as usual sat with the bunch of siao chabor and tabor lo LOL towards break, ive beginning to feel my eyelid coming down.. b4 break only leh.. still got 2 more hours to go.. i sat inside so im not afraid of getting targetted anymore.. haha.. i think he forgot my name also la.. then "cheng" until the end of lesson.. was raining again.. so waited with the guys a while.. they r driving their moto ma so couldnt possibly go.. luckily it was a small one.. but then i reached my busstop, it gotten heavy.. i knew that.. the rain couldnt let me walk home in 1 piece -.- i waited for my mum to come and fetch me.. she borrowed an umbrella from her company bus driver cos she also no umbrella.. like mother, like daughter hor.. haha.. played ro until 10 like that and went to sleep le..
cmi ar.. were so tired on wed n thurs.. is it bcos im too stress? keep feeling tired recently.. been going on for a month liao.. wierd thing is, i actually pay attention in class.. n din daydream.. weekends r for frens and dear dear! yay, come weekend again.. and dear booking out today.. although its in the evening but more than enuff.. aiya, love.. how to go sentosa when its raining all-month round? i ve got a feeling that once we tan for around half hour then its going to rain liao like last time lidat... the rain just wont go away!! meow, guess we can go somewhere else le.. waiting for sat~~
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
mon - as usual went to np to eat after socie class.. din get to present *whew* cos jacqueline din call upon us.. we'll be up next week though.. argh always hate to do presentation.. i hate the butterfly feeling then the stress then the nervous performance when im up there.. the whole morning i was feeling uncomfortable.. but then when i saw the other groups present, my feelings gradually fade away.. it was not that difficult after all.. as long as the whole class is quiet and listen attentively.. u r able to let ur voice be heard even though its soft.. maybe i was in the front thats y when the girls group voice is so soft, i will still be able to hear them.. and then just read blindly thru the slides.. but the first 2 groups r so lihai.. the first guy is impromptu though but his voice is loud.. the 2nd group had their presentation mapped out.. the last 3 group of that day r just girls.. though points r well taken but voices r soft.. nvm la.. as long as they can project their vocal sound can le.. like mine.. i dun think i sound as loud during presentation.. i dunno y, my (previous)members just comment that im soft.. everytime one.. but i already did my best to project as loud as possible, to be as normal voice as can be.. i guess i just need more practice.. but then again this presentation has no grade involved.. hmm.. crap man, should ve really done it on mon so dun ve to go thru those feelings again.. i noe on sunday i can be as uneasy again n keep saying "shit!!! haizz..."
lol i din felt sleepy and was alert when the presentation crap was going on.. and i got "praise" for that! -.-
today - slept until 10am.. din eat anything until 12.30pm.. went to sch for stats lesson.. wantian took the same class as me n kw.. was trying to be as alert as possible.. haha.. din daydream la.. stats is impt.. lol.. went home after that.. its rainy season.. sian everynow n then keep having heavy downpour.. ve to walk around opposite my house until the rain goes away... rain rain go away, come again another day~ i go bath le lar.. and then play ro then go sleep.. lol now i want it to rain -.-
Sunday, November 19, 2006
dear came back on sat afternoon.. went to meet him around 1pm for lunch.. went back his house to put down his bag first, bath and then went out again to bugis.. had ajisen for lunch.. and then walked around parco n bj n bugis street to find my jacket.. went to sim lim to look at psp.. and ate dinner there.. sat until 6 plus and then took train to chinatown.. saw angie n eve on the train to ne line.. we went to celebrate yinhuey's bday at chinatown partyworld.. dear then went home.. met kevin and then walked to pw.. yinhuey n alvin were already there.. well anyway had fun "shouting".. lol.. i mean singing la.. kevin went to meet his frens around 9+.. we sang mostly jay chou's songs sia.. i had fun cos i sang alot of songs wahaha.. 4 hours ma.. so okay lo.. left at 11pm.. walked with them to lau pat sat cos they wanna ve supper.. and then took the last train home.. too bad william din come.. else more fun..
today just went to meet dear and watched "step-up" in marina gv.. nice show.. i like the dance moves.. and dear likes the soundtrack.. anyway, went back his house to ve dinner.. i slept abit while he prepared his stuff and then went home le..
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
mon - hand up ibm assignment thru fren(cos i go to thurs ibm one), ate and went home..
tue - went for afternoon stats.. home after that.. valerie then told me nagep told us to do framework and underline keywords.. so she trying to return me my paper..
wed - no lesson, prog class stop already.. din go to sch.. study abit of ibm..
thurs - had esap in the morning and ibm in the afternoon.. valerie din go sch that day so din get to meet her too.. kevin booked out that day n went for his company gathering in chevron..
fri - din go to sch.. dear did his volunteered work at bukit batok.. met him at jp for pizza.. after that walked around b4 going to watch "flushed away".. finally met valerie to get my paper le.. went home to play ro.. his com was still here... had dinner opposite my house.. continued playing ro until 11 b4 he went home.. and of cos i still played after he went home.. LOL
sat - retyped all my framework and essay on the com and print it.. was having dinner at tong le at liang court.. met him and my parents with my bro at city hall, and took the shuttle bus there.. had a full dinner.. walked around in electronics shop and kev saw his officer there.. so "lucky" neh.. haha.. and went to starbucks for some satisfying ice blended.. went to the japanese mart there.. and went home..
sun - was at home the whole day playing ro.. lol.. met dear for dinner at kfc(actually i had mine).. he just wanna eat more.. and then he booked back in..
brief account of what i did last week?? i think so too.. haha.. update again soon..
Monday, November 06, 2006
sat kw gave me an outline.. its similar to the sample essay nagep gave us.. well i did my own, wondering if mine is correct.. needless to copy the same outline rite?
anyway, went to kbox marina with yq cs n kw.. sang until 2.. needless to say, the guy literally "threw" us out.. he came in, told us its time, and then cleared the table.. so i walked around marina with them for quite some time.. walked to suntec and then went to subway to eat.. i only had a drink.. after which we walked to bugis.. slacked until 5 something and then went off.. i took the same train with kw.. only that i went to dear's hse.. played xbox, had crabs for dinner, and then played ro.. fun.. should play more xbox games while at his house sia.. nvm.. next week then play again.. went home to play ro until 2 am i think..
finally finished my essay on sunday afternoon.. im not sure whether im right not but.. i think i chucked the whole chunk in.. except for my own example la.. then played ro.. lol.. dear came for dinner and then we played ro, well his com is still at my house.. i dunno y i need 2 coms haha.. he left around 9 .15pm.. i played until 10.30 and then went to sleep..
thats for the weekends.. dun need to ask me abt the next weekdays.. sch, slp, maybe self-study abit.. haha.. kk i going to sleep liao.. the electricity is backed up.. yesh!! i come back home just now to find no electric -.- cannot play my ro.. but then again.. i dun want to train by myself.. aiya dun talk liao.. slp slp.. hehe...
Friday, November 03, 2006
i feel that ive been so lifeless since recently.. din go out much except weekends.. luckily this week going to ktv with them.. then then monday hand in assignment -.- today doing it.. going to rain liao then im feeling like im falling sick sia.. hope not.. but still.. i haven recover from my long term depression.. how ar? maybe bcos of stress, ve to study everyday.. then no go out.. no $$ haha.. someone pls cheer me up tmr.. god..
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
pics for yday..

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
sun went to sentosa with love n jo.. had a nice time lying there listening to songs for 45 mins lidat then it started to get very windy and hazy -.- finally it rained.. luckily by that time we got out of the sun and were bathing liao.. left sentosa around 2.30pm.. ate lunch and walked around vivocity for the third time.. haha.. while waiting for dear from his soccer match, we walked ard in tangs.. and went off at 4pm.. met kev n went home to get started on our puzzle.. did 3/4 of the edges and then ate dinner.. after which he went home to watch soccer match... i watched the hk drama on tv until 10pm n went to sleep le..

had sch on mon in the morning.. our first socialogy presentation due in 4 weeks' time.. sianz.. and our topic is singapore and globalization.. jacqeline promised it would be an easy topic for us.. the other topic that we chosen were already taken by other grp so we were left that.. haiz.. anyway, its a 15 mins presentation and i think i can die liao.. to think we need to present for 15 mins in front of 50 over ppl.. kevin n william r my two grp mates wahahaha.. i really dun want to be their leader.. i dun care.. they cant bully the only girl.. haha.. then after class, the 6 of us(3 more frens) went to foodcourt to tabao cos too many ppl and then slack at the bench at one corner.. chitchatted for 3 hrs like dat den went off le.. met dear after he went to see doc.. n headed to cityhall.. the steamboat was postphone until that day.. trying to decide where to eat steamboat.. finally went to seoul garden in marina square.. ate with dear's 5 other frens and slacked until 10 pm where the restaurant is closing.. went to the arcade and watch dear and his fren play pool.. and took cab home around 11.30pm.. thats all for the 3 days.. will be updating soon..
Saturday, October 21, 2006
today went swimming at spgg while betty went gym..darn, i forgot to bring my google.. i nv swim without my google de.. once i close my eyes and swim, fear engulfed me.. and then when i cant feel the edge of the pool, i panicked.. opened my eyes abit to look ard.. and finally got up.. that part of the pool is deep so i din dare to swim there just in case i swim further from the edge of the pool and cant feel the ground.. so i decided to swim at the 0.9m width part where i feel abit comfortable.. the width is maybe only 12.5 m.. i closed my eyes and kept count on how many strokes i need to take to get to the other side.. once i did that, i did 40 laps of the small width.. and then hungered for more laps.. finally i did up to 100 laps which was ard 900m.. i missed the last 20 laps(100m more to 1km) cos i was exhausted already and love was ready to go take a shower.. sounds like i did a lot of laps rite? hahaha.. but in fact is what im supposed to do 50m(at 1 go) without stopping and yet at every 12.5m, i paused for 10-20secs for small breath-recovery.. at the end, i was still too exhausted.. i couldnt even lift my hand haha..
we went back to sp's fc 3 to eat chicken rice.. and went home.. once back to my home sweet home, i dropped dead on my bed.. dun even want to go for dinner at jp with my mum n bro.. well, now im reading death note manga.. gtg to bed soon again.. haha.. cya guys!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
sun, went to aljunied at 1.30... reached there ard 2.30pm.. met dear to go TM to watch death note.. the show is not those that got ending one.. lol.. but its quite nice and abit funny.. i dunno y ppl laugh inappropriately also.. maybe bcos of the 3D shinigami(death god).. hes damn funny sia.. lol.. anyway, we watched until 5 plus.. then walked for awhile n ate at mac.. went back his house ard 7 pm to eat dinner.. headed back home around 9pm.. he going to field camp for 1 week so unable to contact with me during that time.. hmmm.. miss u..
gtg nite ppl..
Thursday, October 12, 2006
im looking forward to sunday to meet u gals.. be it a slacking session at any cafes or suntanning in sentosa.. im okay with them.. =D i go watch drama le.. tata~~
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
and u gals! wanna go bbq this weekend? i dunno how to org this.. haha.. anyway, i wanna bbq~~ n enjoy with mooncakes.. wahahahhaha.. fat fat la.. dun care.. =x k gtg now.. wanna go then msg me or tag me whatever =D
Friday, October 06, 2006
m i speaking in broken english? lol.. my english been getting from bad to worse.. i feel so outcast when im in sch.. cos ppl r all speaking english and im not comfortable in that language.. except for writing it.. but then again, my writings been becoming bad.. haiz.. somehow, sch life also pose another problem for me.. not that exams is around the corner la.. but its just that i haven had enough time to study what has been taught.. i feel that i should stay in sch more, and yet i dun want to.. well, u guys should refer to my prob on the above para.. cant study at home.. no space, got bed, got tv shows.. oh, maybe i should go to the library in je.. slack there.. no need stay in sch somemore.. kw, we should try to go je lib and study ok?? pls..
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
i am not in my right mind after watching the tomenting korean drama yday.. the first few episode is already showing the lead being a fugitive.. he was of cos being set up.. and hes trying to prove his innocence by finding the woman who gave false testimony in court.. well, the lady went to shanghai to escape from the so-called "murderer".. she din knew everything of cos.. but was acting accordingly.. anyway, the show is called "Green Rose".. im thinking abt how lucky i am which then pop the first sentence i wrote.. wahahaha..
so bored now.. have to study later, but table's full -.- dunno ar.. again, trying to emphasize on "dear, u r the best!!" wanna puck? LOL.. arh.. go do other stuff le lar.. sianz.. -.-
Sunday, October 01, 2006
last thurs i went for my psychology.. met kw for lunch and then we both went for ibm class.. well, we saw another stupid eating contest - the guys comparing who will be able to eat 3 big cups noodles at 1 go.. wed was water drinking contest.. i wonder y sim ve so many stupid contest?? cant they be constructive? like maybe a charade or something? -.- anyway, met kw's fren and talk to her for a while during break time.. and then went home le..
fri was just slacking at home.. playing audition and flyff.. both online games.. audition is like a dancing competition, except u use arrows to compete with ppl and score pts.. well, if u ppl got nth to do, like me, u can dl it.. but erm.. the dling time could be quite long cos the installation file is 600+ mb.. flyff is like another RO game.. just that its 3D thats all..
went for my programming lesson on sat instead of wed.. was again doing for-next loop for practical.. sianz.. anyway, after the lesson, went to dear's house.. he was already back.. but only for a day.. going back again at night.. luckily not in the evening.. else lesser time to see him.. bought lunch and ate at his house.. then dl audition on his com also.. wahaha.. watched some tv and then over-the-hedge.. after that, is just hitting the arrows on the com liao(meaning play the game).. played and played until dinner time.. after dinner, still playing until he had to leave.. we went bugis around 9 to buy batteries, sweets and fir album.. all for him lar.. and then went back to the last station liao.. i went home while he joined his mates to wait for their bus to take them "back" LOL..
my mum wanted us to go swimming today so we went to jurong sports complex at 12.30pm.. i planned to swim 1 km today again.. but then i had muscle cramps after 500m.. so i just stopped totally and went to join my parents while watching my brother swim.. really, wasted sia.. as usual, a lot of men displays there.. haha.. and of cos most were in the pool blocking my way -.- i lost it totally.. i mean my stamina.. too long nv go swimming liao.. and then at 500m i was really going dead liao.. to think i did 900m last time i came here.. sigh.. anyway, we went to my aunt's stall to ve our lunch and then went home.. well, going to slp now.. bth i really lost it today *shake head* and now im like dead tired.. crap la.. well, tada!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
sun - went to ktv with love, dan, yq n von.. wierd rite?? im the only extra there -.- y? cos NG CHONG SENG refused to go... haiz.. nvm.. quite okay la.. but i was so tired after the prev night.. then had to wake up so early in the morning.. after that, yq went home to get something.. only to nv return.. -.- and then von had to go back his house.. cos he left her at the ktv while promising to come back.. ah dear, if ever u do that.. u r so dead, got it?! after kbox around 4 pm.. i went with betty n dan to walk around.. then met dear at cityhall platform.. we den went bugis to stop for his jeans and watch.. went further down to bras basah center to get a cheap watch then headed back to giordano to buy a jean.. went back his house to pack around 6... and then to my house at 7 to eat dinner.. well, reached home around 8.. so ate le.. then let the food digest for a while and then he left... i think i miss you already.. ='(
Thursday, September 21, 2006
oh, pls do my quiz.. its in the 2nd flower section.. lol... not very hard de.. haha.. gtg ciau..
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
lazy to get up sia.. so sian.. today got test somemore.. bathed and gotten ready for sch.. revised the impt pts b4 leaving the house.. met kevin(new fren LOL) at the bus stop as usual.. and when we reached class, guess what? the test is next week -.- i din noe that.. i think lots of ppl din noe that, cos i saw them studying when we came in the class.. haha.. but wierd is, jennifer and suat noes.. shoots, should ve ask them first.. luckily i read my study guide, so when jacqueline was teaching, i noe my stuff LOL.. and i was listening intently to the video.. cos its abt feminism.. so cool.. at least i din fall asleep as usual when she showed us the video.. haha.. so proud.. cos i was so concentrating on this lesson.. =P well, if u guys noe me well enuff, i listened half-heartedly in class all the time.. not bcos i dun understand, but bcos i wanted to sleep.. so normally i fall into a mode called "stun" wahahaha... ar well.. went to lunch with kevin and gangs at megabites.. got to noe another fren, dalphne.. oh she was taking the same afternoon class as me.. so we attended lesson together later after lunch.. oh btw, i forgot i only ve 2 bucks today -.- well let my fren pay first, next time then pay back LOL.. hope i rmb =x well, ibm class as usual was sian.. on the other hand, also quite disturbing.. cos nagep always pick on ppl to ans his qn.. if dunno, u suay lo.. luckily we sat quite far away for him to pick on.. oh always not to sit at the front row.. and nv wear prominent clothes to nagep class, else he will start to call "that mei mei in red.." or "the man in green" haha.. the week b4 holiday, kevin kena this lo.. he wore green ma.. and his fren wore yellow, so he just go "the guy in yellow pls ans.." anyway, i din bring my prev chap notes so i just gotta share it with dalphe.. now i get the worse part is to not bring ur notes.. if at any point of the lesson, nagep call upon u, and u dun ve his notes, he either glare at u or shake his head.. lucky he din notice me.. he picked on other girls and they din bring their notes as well.. its not deliberate u noe.. cos we tot he would be starting on another chapter liao.. glad he ended class early.. well, 15 mins earlier is a whole lot early hor.. cos nagep always ve his classes for 3 n half hours.. and would always fang ren on the dot.. but bcos he taught finished that chapter fast today n so we ended early.. well i went opposite my home and shopped.. i bought my file.. thats all.. but i walked around quite long.. no money to buy other things.. sianz.. arh.. wed got programming test.. but that one is diff case, should be quite easy one.. hehe.. tml then study.. since i ve class on wed evening.. dunno what SIM is up to.. shift this lecture to evening.. lucky its only for 1 day.. well i gotta go.. cya..
sun was a bad day.. cos i was having dizzy spells when i woke up.. after brunch i went back to sleep until 1.30 pm.. when i woke up, its better already so i decided to study the rest of the 1 n half chapters.. yeap, its only 3 chapters for the test.. finished studying until 4 something.. and went to take a nap again.. u noe that feeling la.. study liao, tired then need to rest one.. somemore its raining outside sia.. so song LOL.. woke up at 6 by dear's call.. he reached my place around 7.30 cos he was out with his frens.. then came to eat dinner wahaha.. too bad, my dad made lotong.. was still quite nice la(got lots of prawns yum!).. but the portions not enuff cos my mum din cook alot.. dear was going to book in next morning liao.. well, its not hard to say goodbye this time.. i think im used to it liao.. haha.. anyway, he's still coming back after 1 week, and somemore de camps at jurong sia.. LOL =P anyway he went back at 9.30pm.. i continued to watch shou shen nan nu.. it aired until 11 pm.. i online awhile.. nv study liao.. and headed straight to bed at 12..
Friday, September 15, 2006
My Set B

His Set A


Tuesday, September 12, 2006
took with dear's cam

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
went to clementi to eat lunch with kw after my lab session on wed.. had my eyebrows threaded also.. it was so painful that i had tears in my eye.. i din realised it until i open my eyes.. haha.. then my eyebrows parts are all red patches.. so awful.. anyway, we went to jp to look for some things.. bought it and went home around 3 something.. went home to melt the chocolates.. well, hope u all like the results.. anyway, its dark, so u wont able to see the choco nice or not nice.. haha.. well im stopping here.. tada..
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
sun went out with dear.. he got soccer so i met him at tiong bahru.. had japanese ramen there.. and then went to shop around.. wanted to buy dress but not suitable.. in the end went to buy nan quan ma ma's album.. and then went back to his hse.. had a yummy dinner cooked by his mum.. then left the house around 7.45pm.. he booking in at 8.. he forever late one lar.. -.- i was trying to meet betty cos she also sending dan's off.. she msg me saying she coming to pasir ris so i waited for her.. walk walk then again this insurance guy approached me.. -.- i was thinking i really look like an easy target sia.. so i let him entertain me for a while lor since im waiting for betty.. at the same time, i try to get out of it.. he wouldnt let me -.- finally i say i no money then i went off le.. haha.. then met bet and dan.. slack around and talked abt the trip.. after a while dan went off so we also go le.. so sad, on the train, kw called to say her bf got something on, cannot go for trip le.. so count them out.. hmm.. abit disappointed also.. cos i noe how much she also looking forward to this trip.. her parents ve already agreed to let her go but then her bf got something on.. so sad sia.. maybe next time ba.. around june like that... then we got long holiday le.. wah next yr june leh.. so long.. ='( kw, can ur bf dun join the IMF thingy? haiz..
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
sun i left the hse around lunch time to go to dear's.. waited for him to finish his game with his brother while surfing the net and watching the tv at the same time.. was abit quite tired liao.. i cannot be sian and then with my stomach empty(it will make me feel weak) and then trying to perk up later.. i woke up early and then sian so i really feel like slping haha.. anyway, my motive there was to go swimming so went down around 3 pm and swam for 1 hr plus.. bathed and then we left the hse to go newton to meet my brother.. well, as usual, or rather every guy i meet with is always terribly late.. -_-'' cant stand that fact.. i am always the earliest despite the fact that i am 10 mins later than the appt time.. know why i did that? cos they r nv early! coming back to when i left off.. so my bro was half hour late.. and we waited for him, while feeling REALLY hungry after the swim.. i just feel so dramatic when we waved goodbye in the lift.. haha.. anyway, took a cab to turf city and found out that we r the latest.. nvm.. at least no more waiting.. well, my bday is the topic.. so talk talk and then the dishes are served.. ate quite a good lot of dishes, crabs, prawns and lala included.. wasnt that full but satisfying enuff when i had my noodles at the end.. went home in si yi's car... thats it.. i buay tahan after the whole day liao.. firstly it was the early bird, then the wait, then the swim, and the satisfying dinner.. i feel like sleeping now.. okok i go le.. haha.. good nite manz..
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
darlin went for his usual soccer session with his buddies on sun... dunno what to do again.. so we hung out at my place.. i had bat kut teh for dinner and he had 2 bowls of rice -_-'' (hungry ghost festival lah.. dun blame him lol) so he went home around 6.. and had the 3rd bowl of rice at home(told u liao, hungry ghost..) haha.. tata..
Friday, August 11, 2006
oh by the by, there's fireworks today and tml.. tml is supposesubly the best.. cos its fran-ce.. its fireworks should wanna beat italy since france lost to italy in WC haha.. thats what i read in de forum =X
went swimming with my brother at 4 pm.. swam 900 metres.. so proud of myself.. lol.. was going for 1k swim but then by the time it was 5.30 pm, ppl just filled up the pool.. and the last lap i was going to die.. so heck care abt the last 100 m la.. lol.. gw swam another 200 m more.. he's faster with his front crawl so yea.. anyway, learn abit how to improve tactics from my bro.. should be faster now, but use up lots of strength.. yes, thats what swimming is all about.. to exercise and to sun tan wahahaha... god, by the time we finish bathing, the both of us were like dying.. drink lots of water and headed home.. stop opposite our hse again to buy some food home.. after swimming is all about hunger.. especially after such vigorous exercise.. haha.. well slept around 10pm.. was really too tired le.. going to meet the prudential guy later.. he smsed me yday and said "we shall ve a good chat tml" then i was like die liao, hes going to force me not to cancel it.. hope not.. *finger crossed*
Thursday, August 10, 2006
oh btw, i think hor.. the chocolate theme is really cmi.. unless i go and buy the fountain.. haha.. just pray that my mum would buy it lo.. and we ve the time to make it.. but we really want them, dun we?? lets go and beg my mum for it together.. LOL okay i gtg liao... heres some pics for entertainment >.<