went out to jp with them to buy things.. got myself a cute pair of golden shoe..
came home on wed afternoon.. washed clothes and went to meet the girls to buy bday prez..
ate dinner and then shopped for 2 hours.. finally finished gifts shopping at around 9pm..
went home after that..
was slacking at home the whole afternoon on thurs..
while waiting to go sch in the evening, my parents came back home!
they really had a handful of bags.. obviously alot of stuffs were for us too.. haha..
anyway, i got a silk blanket, a pearl necklace, a sliver pair of earrings and 2 bags..
my mother bought a lot of makeup products which i am using.. haha..
fri was attending ibm lesson until 5pm..
dear went home ard 9 plus..
bro came home ard 10plus..
sat dear came over after settling stuffs in camp..
we went to chevron ard 6plus..
cs had lots of relatives and friends came.. and apparently the chalet isnt that big enuff for all of us..
so we just stayed out.. yq n von went off ard 7plus..
out of boredom, we went to the arcade..
had enuff fun of playing so went to find the others sitting at the lobby..
kw ran off.. and then jj joined us.. haha..
well, we then celebrated the bday..
went back to the chalet hse and ate something while watching dan n chinsher playing ps2..
finally took bus home ard 10..

sitting at the bus stop...
today i slept until quite late.. so i met dear ard 2plus to watch 200 pound beauty..
went home after that cos both our parents cooked for us..