noooo... dont wanna do fyp! *sulk*
its xmas and post xmas and pre new year! so many holidays!
life as per normal when i am home. so sian.
no life..
no money..
complain complain complain. lol..
i think i shouldnt blog unless theres exciting happenings. or all u see is bored and complaints.
okay highlights of this month.
went to shop for presents and baked cookies for my love, jo, jj and kw!
met up with jiemeis for gifts exchange! thanks girls, for all your xmas presents! dinner was at chong qing huo guo and den exchange gifts at bugis mac.
went out with dear to watch 2 ultra fav of month movies, avatar and sherlock holmes. seats were hard to get, so we booked in advance. in fact i watched avatar twice. haha.
dear's house xmas party! ate buffet at his place before we went out for ktv with mike.
michael came back from taiwan, so went with dear to meet him and frens. ate dinner at manhanttan. and 2 days later, we went singing at kbox in jurong safra. clara came back from shanghai too! so she joined us for singing session.
my brother's 21st bday! i didnt help out much, but the party is a success with his frens' help. in fact, i just came back from aloha loyang.
i distinctively rmb these events cos this is the only time ive gone out so many times since like 2 months ago? =.=
okay gg now.. good nite people!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
wang show me this article..
i think it should relate to all people out there, whether its friends or couple:
Building the Bond in your Relationship
A bond (relationship wise) is when two people have a connection. Being attracted to each other and sharing common values and interests brought the two of you together as a couple, but the bond has not been set completely. Besides the fact that you have love and care between you, you also need to see whether or not the two of you are friends. Is it possible to be friends? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, it is a must if the two of you are going to build a lasting bond.
A true friendship is basically the same as the true qualities that define real love. The difference is, we are in love and have a deep desire for our mates, with commitment and a goal of building a future, and perhaps even getting married and making a family together. The list below will help you see if your lover is a friend to you as well
Do not feel guilty for having higher expectations from your lover either. People often feel like they should be more lenient and understanding when it comes to their lovers. Even though it is important to keep an understanding attitude (to avoid misunderstandings and arguments), you should never let things always slide or make up excuses for your partner?s wrong doings. You should expect better and not except such behavior. You deserve better. After all, you invest most of your emotions and time into your partner, so always remember that you are entitled to receive the same.
For more on this article, go to
i think it should relate to all people out there, whether its friends or couple:
Building the Bond in your Relationship
A bond (relationship wise) is when two people have a connection. Being attracted to each other and sharing common values and interests brought the two of you together as a couple, but the bond has not been set completely. Besides the fact that you have love and care between you, you also need to see whether or not the two of you are friends. Is it possible to be friends? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, it is a must if the two of you are going to build a lasting bond.
A true friendship is basically the same as the true qualities that define real love. The difference is, we are in love and have a deep desire for our mates, with commitment and a goal of building a future, and perhaps even getting married and making a family together. The list below will help you see if your lover is a friend to you as well
- You can talk to and confide in each other about anything.
- Your partner is there for you when you need to talk to someone.
- Being able to always rely on each other when one is counted on.
- Having a permanent shoulder to cry on when we need it
- Having many things in common
- Accepting one another for who we are
- Listening to us and considering our opinions important
Do not feel guilty for having higher expectations from your lover either. People often feel like they should be more lenient and understanding when it comes to their lovers. Even though it is important to keep an understanding attitude (to avoid misunderstandings and arguments), you should never let things always slide or make up excuses for your partner?s wrong doings. You should expect better and not except such behavior. You deserve better. After all, you invest most of your emotions and time into your partner, so always remember that you are entitled to receive the same.
For more on this article, go to
Monday, November 30, 2009
argh.. motorola droid is not coming to singapore. its okay.. i ve got an alternative - HTC hero. too bad that my contract is not eligible for upgrade yet. =( or else i would have the phone right here right now. anyone wanna give me for xmas? xD
been doing projects day in day out. sigh. that my hair is dropping.. zzz.. i haven gotten enough sleep haha. cos ive been staying up late =x
okay, time to enjoy some christmas festive! looking forward to meet up some frens and my bro's bday!
how about some gifts eh? i ve got a few items that i would like.. haha..
- HTC hero! xD
- burberry sling bag (its been in my wish list for sometime now..)
- casual pants (jeans are too tight for me, cant breath =X)
-backpack for laptop
- some classic long necklace? (i found myself plain without accessory on my blouses)
- hair spray (for my messy, flyaway hair)
need to find time to go shopping!byee~
been doing projects day in day out. sigh. that my hair is dropping.. zzz.. i haven gotten enough sleep haha. cos ive been staying up late =x
okay, time to enjoy some christmas festive! looking forward to meet up some frens and my bro's bday!
how about some gifts eh? i ve got a few items that i would like.. haha..
- HTC hero! xD
- burberry sling bag (its been in my wish list for sometime now..)
- casual pants (jeans are too tight for me, cant breath =X)
- some classic long necklace? (i found myself plain without accessory on my blouses)
- hair spray (for my messy, flyaway hair)
need to find time to go shopping!byee~
Sunday, November 22, 2009
stupid thoughts in my head again.
i am forever pessimistic. sigh.
if i am unique, like some ppl say i am, den how come i dont feel unique, or being loved by everyone becos im me?
instead, i feel more like unwanted, a stumbling block, an extremely selfish person.
sorry, despair hits once again.
I just want to be me and being loved because im uniquely me. =(
i am forever pessimistic. sigh.
if i am unique, like some ppl say i am, den how come i dont feel unique, or being loved by everyone becos im me?
instead, i feel more like unwanted, a stumbling block, an extremely selfish person.
sorry, despair hits once again.
I just want to be me and being loved because im uniquely me. =(
Saturday, November 21, 2009
gotten too slack after i had my interview of my rpis project and my pc died on me few days ago. couldnt start to do my sfen nor rpis projects on my netbook. =(
well, now that my pc is revived, by the miraculous hands of dear lol. i do noe how to fix it 'kay, just that i dont ve what it takes to do hardware fixing. i knew that my ram wasnt properly placed by myself. =.=
yea so, i was saying.. now that i have my desktop back, i can start working again. be it sfen or rpis.
sfen project need not a comp to do yet. but i was so vexed by my own desktop, i couldnt get any work done. zzz.
dear had his first 2 exam papers started, one is yday, and the other is today. 3 papers more to go. jiayous. ^.^
so he had alittle bit of time to come help me fix my pc after we met for dinner just now. =D
okay, i need to go back to doing my project, or else im starting to fall back again.
looking forward to dec. ^.^
well, now that my pc is revived, by the miraculous hands of dear lol. i do noe how to fix it 'kay, just that i dont ve what it takes to do hardware fixing. i knew that my ram wasnt properly placed by myself. =.=
yea so, i was saying.. now that i have my desktop back, i can start working again. be it sfen or rpis.
sfen project need not a comp to do yet. but i was so vexed by my own desktop, i couldnt get any work done. zzz.
dear had his first 2 exam papers started, one is yday, and the other is today. 3 papers more to go. jiayous. ^.^
so he had alittle bit of time to come help me fix my pc after we met for dinner just now. =D
okay, i need to go back to doing my project, or else im starting to fall back again.
looking forward to dec. ^.^
Friday, November 13, 2009
okay too much baby fats..
i stopped doing exercise altogether. mostly is because im too lazy. haha..
i prefer cycling machine den tread mill.. because u sit and cycle with ur legs, u dont stand and tread. waste too much of my energy.
i have a little bit of time before i move on to another chapter of my thesis.
oh now i think i prefer literature review to surveys and interviews. drats.
apart from those, drawing models. but models are fine. at least i dont have to worry about wad to ask people. =.=
fine, my project is easy. other ppl's projects are ten times harder than mine.
im not saying mine is hard, its just tough, doing alone. Having deadline helps, but when u are doing it alone, you dont even care about deadlines.
Teammates motivate you. Esp when they are working super hard. U feel u have to catch up with them too.
Just like when i was doing my fyp for poly. My part wasnt really crucial to the project, but it makes me feel like i have to do it, ya know?
why is my download so slow? ...
my pc got probs with my harddisk again. but thanks to my "unknown identity" classmate, i got it solved. haha.
xmas is coming. i can feel it.
cos its been raining almost everyday. >.<
hmm, wonder what to buy for gifts. umbrella? haha.. < i still dont get y my fren says im funny =.=' >
gg prepare for sch soon. tata!
i stopped doing exercise altogether. mostly is because im too lazy. haha..
i prefer cycling machine den tread mill.. because u sit and cycle with ur legs, u dont stand and tread. waste too much of my energy.
i have a little bit of time before i move on to another chapter of my thesis.
oh now i think i prefer literature review to surveys and interviews. drats.
apart from those, drawing models. but models are fine. at least i dont have to worry about wad to ask people. =.=
fine, my project is easy. other ppl's projects are ten times harder than mine.
im not saying mine is hard, its just tough, doing alone. Having deadline helps, but when u are doing it alone, you dont even care about deadlines.
Teammates motivate you. Esp when they are working super hard. U feel u have to catch up with them too.
Just like when i was doing my fyp for poly. My part wasnt really crucial to the project, but it makes me feel like i have to do it, ya know?
why is my download so slow? ...
my pc got probs with my harddisk again. but thanks to my "unknown identity" classmate, i got it solved. haha.
xmas is coming. i can feel it.
cos its been raining almost everyday. >.<
hmm, wonder what to buy for gifts. umbrella? haha.. < i still dont get y my fren says im funny =.=' >
gg prepare for sch soon. tata!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
I need to have a life. Whats my passion?!
Socialising? no. Swimming? no. Shopping? no. Sing ktv? no. Eating? no. Reading? no. Gaming? no. Watching TV? no. Cleaning? no. Going out alone? no. Staring in space? no. Exercising? no. IT? no.
What else do I do?
"Year after year, they stay away, opting instead for a more predictable existence. Rather than taking a leap of faith and immersing themselves in the waters of their deepest joys and motivations, they insist on hiding inside a safety bubble, a sanitary, lifeless, colorless world where nothing new ever happens and the only thing that one can rely on is that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday, and that today will be more of the same. "
"Imagine a world where we lived for the moment and spent more time enjoying reality than trying to escape it. Imagine a place where we didn't need lawyers to go before judges, psychologists to tell us that we have emotional problems, or clergy to talk to the Creator for us."
"The real sin is lacking the courage to express our convictions and zest for life. It should be a crime to bottle up the passion you once felt as a youth so that you'll fit into a controlled corporate environment or circle of associates. In fact, the closest we can come to a physical hell is the unforgivable action of refusing to say what needs to be said, not singing what was meant to be sung or forcing ourselves to no longer feel what was intended to be felt. "
"Passion shapes our existence, fuels the fires of inspiration and makes the heart and mind open to changes all around us. It is food for the soul, a spark that reilluminates our purpose and mission for being here. "- Brian Norris
Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of YOU into what you do.
Simply put, it's being who you are and doing what comes naturally. It's like allowing water to gain energy from flowing along its natural riverbed, rather than trying to force it up and over a mountain.
[Crafting a Life of Meaning, Abundance & Passion] by Curt Rosengren ~
"Like any emotional state, passion waxes and wanes. Sometimes you’re highly motivated. Sometimes you aren’t. Passion has its peaks and valleys, so if you base your actions on your level of passion, your results will depend on your emotions. Feeling passionate? Great actions, great results. Feeling dispassionate? Weak actions, mediocre results."
"Passion is great, but it’s icing. It needs self-discipline to back it up.
Self-discipline is quieter though. Passion gets more attention these days becuase it makes more noise." May 24th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina
I kinda understand what those passion gurus mean. But how to motivate or even be passionate about ourselves? I still need to search for answers within myself.
Socialising? no. Swimming? no. Shopping? no. Sing ktv? no. Eating? no. Reading? no. Gaming? no. Watching TV? no. Cleaning? no. Going out alone? no. Staring in space? no. Exercising? no. IT? no.
What else do I do?
"Year after year, they stay away, opting instead for a more predictable existence. Rather than taking a leap of faith and immersing themselves in the waters of their deepest joys and motivations, they insist on hiding inside a safety bubble, a sanitary, lifeless, colorless world where nothing new ever happens and the only thing that one can rely on is that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday, and that today will be more of the same. "
"Imagine a world where we lived for the moment and spent more time enjoying reality than trying to escape it. Imagine a place where we didn't need lawyers to go before judges, psychologists to tell us that we have emotional problems, or clergy to talk to the Creator for us."
"The real sin is lacking the courage to express our convictions and zest for life. It should be a crime to bottle up the passion you once felt as a youth so that you'll fit into a controlled corporate environment or circle of associates. In fact, the closest we can come to a physical hell is the unforgivable action of refusing to say what needs to be said, not singing what was meant to be sung or forcing ourselves to no longer feel what was intended to be felt. "
"Passion shapes our existence, fuels the fires of inspiration and makes the heart and mind open to changes all around us. It is food for the soul, a spark that reilluminates our purpose and mission for being here. "- Brian Norris
Passion is the energy that comes from bringing more of YOU into what you do.
Simply put, it's being who you are and doing what comes naturally. It's like allowing water to gain energy from flowing along its natural riverbed, rather than trying to force it up and over a mountain.
[Crafting a Life of Meaning, Abundance & Passion] by Curt Rosengren ~
"Like any emotional state, passion waxes and wanes. Sometimes you’re highly motivated. Sometimes you aren’t. Passion has its peaks and valleys, so if you base your actions on your level of passion, your results will depend on your emotions. Feeling passionate? Great actions, great results. Feeling dispassionate? Weak actions, mediocre results."
"Passion is great, but it’s icing. It needs self-discipline to back it up.
Self-discipline is quieter though. Passion gets more attention these days becuase it makes more noise." May 24th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina
I kinda understand what those passion gurus mean. But how to motivate or even be passionate about ourselves? I still need to search for answers within myself.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ok i just got an urge to start showing google desktop that i install on my pc. instead of using win7 desktop gadgets, i prefer google one. one of the reasons is the fact that the gadgets can be fixed at the side, when i can still see them if i open other windows.
ok so above image is a screenshot of my desktop. as u can see the google gadgets are at the right side of the screen.
p.s. if u cant see the image well, enlarge it by clicking on the image.
well.. i put weather, clock, calvin and hobbes rss (one of my fav comic), skip beat! rss (my current fav manga), news rss and scratchpad for my RPIS fyp project. oh! and at the bottom of the google desktop is the google search. so typically google search in the search box triggers a internet google search browser if u wanna look for anything.
As you can see, i put an address link on my taskbar. it allows me to surf on website even before opening a browser.
So i found both the address bar and the google search box really convenient. Like, when i startup my pc, i wanna go facebook first thing in the morning. i type facebook on the address bar. i use mozilla, so by just typing the name of the website triggers the whole webpage. i dunno about IE though. maybe u need to type in the full url. And when i wanna find out a defnition of a word, i just enter the word in the google search bar and voila! mozilla firefox opens, and shows the google search word.
oh and one more thing. the fixed side bar of google desktop.
there it is. my mozilla firefox is already at its maximum size. i swear i didnt adjust the window. haha.
anyway, yea win7 provide the "iconical" taskbar. when u hover over the opened applications, it will show u a thumbscreen of the application. E.g. You are opening 2 browsers, so u hover ur mouse over the mozilla icon, the screen will pop up 2 thumbscreen of ur browsers.
Another feature that i love about win7 is that it allows 2 windows to be placed side-by-side fixed. so if u wanna open 2 windows and use them at the same time, u can just drag one window to the left screen of the screen, win7 will auto-adjust for u half screen is to that window, and drag the other window to the right screen too.
okay this post probably sounds dumb, cos im like exploring into win7, and i know some ppl are already using this google desktop, "duh~!", but i got nth to blog about.. hahaha..
good nitess..!
ok so above image is a screenshot of my desktop. as u can see the google gadgets are at the right side of the screen.
p.s. if u cant see the image well, enlarge it by clicking on the image.
well.. i put weather, clock, calvin and hobbes rss (one of my fav comic), skip beat! rss (my current fav manga), news rss and scratchpad for my RPIS fyp project. oh! and at the bottom of the google desktop is the google search. so typically google search in the search box triggers a internet google search browser if u wanna look for anything.
As you can see, i put an address link on my taskbar. it allows me to surf on website even before opening a browser.
So i found both the address bar and the google search box really convenient. Like, when i startup my pc, i wanna go facebook first thing in the morning. i type facebook on the address bar. i use mozilla, so by just typing the name of the website triggers the whole webpage. i dunno about IE though. maybe u need to type in the full url. And when i wanna find out a defnition of a word, i just enter the word in the google search bar and voila! mozilla firefox opens, and shows the google search word.
oh and one more thing. the fixed side bar of google desktop.
there it is. my mozilla firefox is already at its maximum size. i swear i didnt adjust the window. haha.
anyway, yea win7 provide the "iconical" taskbar. when u hover over the opened applications, it will show u a thumbscreen of the application. E.g. You are opening 2 browsers, so u hover ur mouse over the mozilla icon, the screen will pop up 2 thumbscreen of ur browsers.
Another feature that i love about win7 is that it allows 2 windows to be placed side-by-side fixed. so if u wanna open 2 windows and use them at the same time, u can just drag one window to the left screen of the screen, win7 will auto-adjust for u half screen is to that window, and drag the other window to the right screen too.
okay this post probably sounds dumb, cos im like exploring into win7, and i know some ppl are already using this google desktop, "duh~!", but i got nth to blog about.. hahaha..
good nitess..!
Monday, October 26, 2009
finally.. back to blogging on w.bloggar instead of the browser.. i think it would be better to blog here cos i dont need to open a browser to blog.
hmm. although its nearly the same steps taken to blog.. haha.. i dont know ar. just prefer blogging to be on 3rd party app.
maybe cos when u hit the wrong button like going back a page, ur written post is lost without saving. Saving on the browser needs internet connection, and sometimes my internet is down that kinda thing, ya know...
anyways im testing this post haha.. oh and cool.. i install google desktop! it has widgets that allow me to surf my daily apps without opening them, like blog feeds, news, facebook and twitter. and theres a google search bar widget too. so i dont need to open a browser to search for something.
although the win7 only provide address link toolbar in ur desktop. but i like win7. so much better than winxp or win vista. ^.^ and theres this win7 desktop theme that auto change ur wallpaper for u. hm.. kinda fun.. haha.. i downloaded the htc flip clock.. the interface is really aesthetic.. much to my liking haha. im like writing a review for win 7 like that..
lol ok, guess its time to work on my fyp again. Ciau!
hmm. although its nearly the same steps taken to blog.. haha.. i dont know ar. just prefer blogging to be on 3rd party app.
maybe cos when u hit the wrong button like going back a page, ur written post is lost without saving. Saving on the browser needs internet connection, and sometimes my internet is down that kinda thing, ya know...
anyways im testing this post haha.. oh and cool.. i install google desktop! it has widgets that allow me to surf my daily apps without opening them, like blog feeds, news, facebook and twitter. and theres a google search bar widget too. so i dont need to open a browser to search for something.
although the win7 only provide address link toolbar in ur desktop. but i like win7. so much better than winxp or win vista. ^.^ and theres this win7 desktop theme that auto change ur wallpaper for u. hm.. kinda fun.. haha.. i downloaded the htc flip clock.. the interface is really aesthetic.. much to my liking haha. im like writing a review for win 7 like that..
lol ok, guess its time to work on my fyp again. Ciau!
When you were young, you have abundant of time, but you don't have the cash to fulfil your spending cravings.
When you are older, you have the cash, but you don't have the time to spend it.
That's the irony of life.
When you are older, you have the cash, but you don't have the time to spend it.
That's the irony of life.
Friday, October 23, 2009
im about to lose track of time. cos im sick and i didnt go to sch for 3 lessons now. haha. theres only 3 lessons per week.
i cant believe that im been playing and searching materials for my final project that i forgot to do my other module assignment which was due last week. =.= oh and i didnt really study yet except for my RPIS study guide. Sigh.
I find it hard to motivate myself to do a solo project. zzz. no help from anyone except my supervisor, whom i totally haven get a reply from.
I wonder how my friends used to do their projects? and gosh, they did them so well! research, literature review, surveys and interviews and writing the thesis, etc. etc. I seriously have no idea where to start from, other than doing some research on the relevant literature. Placing quotes is easy but to rephrase as a summary is hard. i have a limited vocabulary so its like kiddo writing a thesis. haha.
Gotta write up a preliminary report and submit it to my supervisor by the end of this month. =(
Did my flu come from having stress, or is it the weather? its so damn hot nowadays, i feel irritated and have the tendency of having headaches.
So bored from all the games that i played that i begun to watch videos from facebook that were posted. haha. why do i feel life stressed instead of exciting? no wonder my eq is low. no idea the links between life enjoyment and eq though. lol. (fb app) maybe its my way of thinking.
gotta eat now. cya.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
so sian..
been playing sim3 after i finished with my witcher haha.
okay i know i haven been updating.. but there's nth to update wad..
im like my sim - loner, dislike crowds and prefer solitude time haha. the whole day she can spend her day playing and writing on her laptop (cos i made her do it lol)
my sim is like the perfect person, who is a natural cook, do fixing around her house, except that she doesnt like to be with other ppl, oh! and doesnt do arts. haha.
and she's married to this guy whose lifetime wish is to be a cook! how compatible are they! wahaha!
Sims siao, Sims siao..
Susu.. (Sims language of byebye)
been playing sim3 after i finished with my witcher haha.
okay i know i haven been updating.. but there's nth to update wad..
im like my sim - loner, dislike crowds and prefer solitude time haha. the whole day she can spend her day playing and writing on her laptop (cos i made her do it lol)
my sim is like the perfect person, who is a natural cook, do fixing around her house, except that she doesnt like to be with other ppl, oh! and doesnt do arts. haha.
and she's married to this guy whose lifetime wish is to be a cook! how compatible are they! wahaha!
Sims siao, Sims siao..
Susu.. (Sims language of byebye)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
hmm just came back from marina square. had a very full dinner at jack's place with my family.
my bro drove us around den we lost our way when we wanted to go marina barrage haha. so we gave up and headed towards our original destination instead.
hmm, last tues went out with kevin and frens to celebrate hwee ching's bday. photos are uploaded again on facebook. we went to suntec city mall to eat at MOF. den clara came to drive us to some bar near SMU. its a nice place to chill with the live band and the ambience. took a cab home with hong boon (he lives in boonlay) cos 'twas kinda late alrdy.
my pc harddisk gone crashing again. its the 2nd time the hardware's been loose. i think i need to change one soon. my personal technician need to build a long-time affair with my pc soon. i need his help whenever this kinda thing happens. totally helpless. =(
i wanna play my Witcher!! sucks.. and im near completing the game lor.
just when i thought that by completing the game, i can finally concentrate on my fyp. and now this happens! ...
anw, looking forward to next wed! =D outing with jiemeis! so sorry for those that i cannot make it on that day. maybe we change it to another day? =)
See ya soon!
my bro drove us around den we lost our way when we wanted to go marina barrage haha. so we gave up and headed towards our original destination instead.
hmm, last tues went out with kevin and frens to celebrate hwee ching's bday. photos are uploaded again on facebook. we went to suntec city mall to eat at MOF. den clara came to drive us to some bar near SMU. its a nice place to chill with the live band and the ambience. took a cab home with hong boon (he lives in boonlay) cos 'twas kinda late alrdy.
my pc harddisk gone crashing again. its the 2nd time the hardware's been loose. i think i need to change one soon. my personal technician need to build a long-time affair with my pc soon. i need his help whenever this kinda thing happens. totally helpless. =(
i wanna play my Witcher!! sucks.. and im near completing the game lor.
just when i thought that by completing the game, i can finally concentrate on my fyp. and now this happens! ...
anw, looking forward to next wed! =D outing with jiemeis! so sorry for those that i cannot make it on that day. maybe we change it to another day? =)
See ya soon!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
I need to go shopping!!
My burberry sling.. lotsa casual pants.. pretty white flats..
i think i should change my glasses. haha.
Sai la.. no money~!
Happy birthdays to all the october babies!! =D
I shall sing a bday song especially for you~!
Happy Birday to U. Happy Birday to U.
Happy Birrr!day to Uuuuuuuu
Happy Birday to U~
bring me to ktv den.. I should try to sing nicer..
My burberry sling.. lotsa casual pants.. pretty white flats..
i think i should change my glasses. haha.
Sai la.. no money~!
Happy birthdays to all the october babies!! =D
I shall sing a bday song especially for you~!
Happy Birday to U. Happy Birday to U.
Happy Birrr!day to Uuuuuuuu
Happy Birday to U~
bring me to ktv den.. I should try to sing nicer..
Monday, October 05, 2009
why do i feel so young? HAHA!
young in the mind, young at heart. young in appearance!!
Long live the Youth!
hiak hiak..
cos im still 24.. not yet 30..
I'm still a girl, not yet a woman.. *Everyone put this nice phrase down*
What is youth man? Enjoy! haha.. so drunk..
I think one day i should die of anxiety attack, or stressed-prone attack. Im so easily disturbed by things. zzz..
My brain malfunctions everytime im disturbed. i cannot multitask. tsk tsk.
My tooth hurts again. Probably the area near my wisdom tooth. Its growing k, my wisdom. Coming at a high price though. =x
i feel so sian. slacking too much is not good for me. I cannot seem to start on my research..
Quote of the day: "Joking is a way of life. but sometimes when u r over the line, its just not funny anymore."
young in the mind, young at heart. young in appearance!!
Long live the Youth!
hiak hiak..
cos im still 24.. not yet 30..
I'm still a girl, not yet a woman.. *Everyone put this nice phrase down*
What is youth man? Enjoy! haha.. so drunk..
I think one day i should die of anxiety attack, or stressed-prone attack. Im so easily disturbed by things. zzz..
My brain malfunctions everytime im disturbed. i cannot multitask. tsk tsk.
My tooth hurts again. Probably the area near my wisdom tooth. Its growing k, my wisdom. Coming at a high price though. =x
i feel so sian. slacking too much is not good for me. I cannot seem to start on my research..
Quote of the day: "Joking is a way of life. but sometimes when u r over the line, its just not funny anymore."
Thursday, October 01, 2009
People, long time no see. How are you guys now?
Are you alive? Are you happy? Are you healthy?
I hope all of you are. =)
well, just to make sure im not talking to myself, would the friends of mine pls leave some comment on this post? haha. *just to make sure you are alive somewhere..*
No worries, i am still me. and im still a slacker, even though my fyp has started. =x
I am still de same old me. The stupid, slack, nonsensical me.
Okay, i go play game liao. bb.
Are you alive? Are you happy? Are you healthy?
I hope all of you are. =)
well, just to make sure im not talking to myself, would the friends of mine pls leave some comment on this post? haha. *just to make sure you are alive somewhere..*
No worries, i am still me. and im still a slacker, even though my fyp has started. =x
I am still de same old me. The stupid, slack, nonsensical me.
Okay, i go play game liao. bb.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The latest update on me..
I ve been slacking at home ever since my internship completed.
been trying to figure out a topic for my fyp.
and erm..
please please please do not ignore me when i beg u for surveys! cos i need them for my fyp! they are my life and death! U shall determine whether i live or die! i thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart and soul! =DDD
ive been buying the small "bing pi" from the city bakery opposite my block. and den my parents went to order from johor some nice mooncakes too. =DD
i guess i should stop burning my house down for the time being. last year was nearly.. =x the corridor was scarred by us.. playing with fire.. so sad for the corridor.. =X
what.. mooncake festival = mooncake + lantern. lantern = fire. fire = forestation.. =x
thats y, of all the festivals, cny, mooncake festival and xmas are my fav festivals. hehehe..
mountain tortoise.. i stopped listening to news nowadays. cos i dont wake up at 6.30am anymore and taking long journey bus while watching channelnewsasia.
yes yes i did that when i went to work. i tuned in to the tvmobile on the radio on my phone every morning..
and so coincidentally i got my ipod nano after my internship completed. so i listen back to my music now. if only my ipod nano got the fm tuner... =((( at least, i was updated with the news. now im so in my own world haha.
i realise to put up photos in the blog is 10 times harder than other places when u dont ve a mass/quick photo uploader in blogger.
first step, u always go to some photo uploader site and uploads ur photos, den resize them, den get their html to put onto ur blog and lastly, add descriptions to your blog. dats way too inconvenient.
i just hope that blogger will notice that and modify their photos uploading system. i know actually alot of other websites collaborate with bloggers to put up their photos. but to me, its still troublesome. cos while uploading photos and linking them to blogger and make that post all about ur photos.
u cannot further add in text etc.. besides when u only upload those photos, ur photos will become too big for ur post frame den u ve to resize the photos to fit in ur frame/tables. or at times, the fixed html table generated by the photo website makes ur photos spaces out so much dat u feel annoyed so you ve to modify them to change accordingly to ur preference. zzz...
which is why i think its too much of a chore to post photos on blogs. i always refer u all to my fb photos instead.
couldnt uploading photos and blogging at the same time be any efficient? does anyone knows the consumers' preferences, but at all? by linking photos and blog sites together doesnt make it efficient, it sometimes confuses and irritates the hell out of users. sigh.
okay talk too much. shall blog again when i got something to rant about. haha.
I ve been slacking at home ever since my internship completed.
been trying to figure out a topic for my fyp.
and erm..
please please please do not ignore me when i beg u for surveys! cos i need them for my fyp! they are my life and death! U shall determine whether i live or die! i thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart and soul! =DDD
mooncake festival + mooncake feast! LOL!
ive been buying the small "bing pi" from the city bakery opposite my block. and den my parents went to order from johor some nice mooncakes too. =DD
i guess i should stop burning my house down for the time being. last year was nearly.. =x the corridor was scarred by us.. playing with fire.. so sad for the corridor.. =X
what.. mooncake festival = mooncake + lantern. lantern = fire. fire = forestation.. =x
thats y, of all the festivals, cny, mooncake festival and xmas are my fav festivals. hehehe..
mountain tortoise.. i stopped listening to news nowadays. cos i dont wake up at 6.30am anymore and taking long journey bus while watching channelnewsasia.
yes yes i did that when i went to work. i tuned in to the tvmobile on the radio on my phone every morning..
and so coincidentally i got my ipod nano after my internship completed. so i listen back to my music now. if only my ipod nano got the fm tuner... =((( at least, i was updated with the news. now im so in my own world haha.
i realise to put up photos in the blog is 10 times harder than other places when u dont ve a mass/quick photo uploader in blogger.
first step, u always go to some photo uploader site and uploads ur photos, den resize them, den get their html to put onto ur blog and lastly, add descriptions to your blog. dats way too inconvenient.
i just hope that blogger will notice that and modify their photos uploading system. i know actually alot of other websites collaborate with bloggers to put up their photos. but to me, its still troublesome. cos while uploading photos and linking them to blogger and make that post all about ur photos.
u cannot further add in text etc.. besides when u only upload those photos, ur photos will become too big for ur post frame den u ve to resize the photos to fit in ur frame/tables. or at times, the fixed html table generated by the photo website makes ur photos spaces out so much dat u feel annoyed so you ve to modify them to change accordingly to ur preference. zzz...
which is why i think its too much of a chore to post photos on blogs. i always refer u all to my fb photos instead.
couldnt uploading photos and blogging at the same time be any efficient? does anyone knows the consumers' preferences, but at all? by linking photos and blog sites together doesnt make it efficient, it sometimes confuses and irritates the hell out of users. sigh.
okay talk too much. shall blog again when i got something to rant about. haha.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
been watching honey and clover in taiwan version. Although its not as realistic as from the manga, its just as funny and super exaggerating.
At the same time, i replayed the witcher. haha.
i dilly-dallying about doing my research for my fyp. no excuse, im just lazy. lol.
i just started sch again this week, projects keep flooding my minuscule brain. i refuse to use my brain until oct. haha.
lessons per week are only on tue, wed and fri.
so sian.. i guess only watching drama / anime and playing witcher can eat my entire day away.
wanting to buy a burberry sling bag. so cute! =x
my life is simple and satisfying for the time being. lol. Jya na~!
At the same time, i replayed the witcher. haha.
i dilly-dallying about doing my research for my fyp. no excuse, im just lazy. lol.
i just started sch again this week, projects keep flooding my minuscule brain. i refuse to use my brain until oct. haha.
lessons per week are only on tue, wed and fri.
so sian.. i guess only watching drama / anime and playing witcher can eat my entire day away.
wanting to buy a burberry sling bag. so cute! =x
my life is simple and satisfying for the time being. lol. Jya na~!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
2 weeks nvr blog alrdy. Come to think of it, i ve nothing to blog anyways.
had a bad food poisioning a week ago. didnt eat much except for porridge for 2 days. it happened after i went out with kw haha. was damn damn damn suay.
well my stomach is okay now, but now theres ulcer at the bottom of my tongue, near my gum. =.=
and so happen that my pc hdd is spoilt =.= been trying to fix it since yday. even formatting is impossible.
in case u r wondering, im using my netbook now.
shall upload all the recent photos after i come back later. gonna meet my jiemeis for my bday celebration. =D
okay gg now. Ciau!
had a bad food poisioning a week ago. didnt eat much except for porridge for 2 days. it happened after i went out with kw haha. was damn damn damn suay.
well my stomach is okay now, but now theres ulcer at the bottom of my tongue, near my gum. =.=
and so happen that my pc hdd is spoilt =.= been trying to fix it since yday. even formatting is impossible.
in case u r wondering, im using my netbook now.
shall upload all the recent photos after i come back later. gonna meet my jiemeis for my bday celebration. =D
okay gg now. Ciau!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Some things u need not be so vexed about. U can take it as it come, and be glad that its gone.
Decisions that u make may not be correct, it may not be wrong. But it is what u choose. If u are scared of regretting of ur decision, u may forever not make
a decision. Do not be afraid of judgements, for in the end, you are only one that is in control of your life.
I am always so indecisive. When it comes to making a decision, I think thrice. Or rather dont think at all, for fear of judgement. So i let it go. In the end, the issues always come back to me. Sometimes i dislike that im indecisive, i troubled people cos i cannot make quick decisions.
This is the thing that i must change. To be precise and make quick judgement. Though im not quick enough to do anything. If it wasnt for this, I could have alot of other paths in my life.
Decisions that u make may not be correct, it may not be wrong. But it is what u choose. If u are scared of regretting of ur decision, u may forever not make
a decision. Do not be afraid of judgements, for in the end, you are only one that is in control of your life.
I am always so indecisive. When it comes to making a decision, I think thrice. Or rather dont think at all, for fear of judgement. So i let it go. In the end, the issues always come back to me. Sometimes i dislike that im indecisive, i troubled people cos i cannot make quick decisions.
This is the thing that i must change. To be precise and make quick judgement. Though im not quick enough to do anything. If it wasnt for this, I could have alot of other paths in my life.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
oh im supposed to upload yday photos, but my cam battery went flat haha. thats the thing abt my camera, i cannot recharge it using usb. only can charge it in the given battery charger. sianz lo.. probably will buy another battery if i were to ever use it for a holiday or something.
Anyways, i went down to have lunch with some of my ex-colleagues yday. JJ bought me a cake haha and we celebrated my bday in the hawker center haha.
After that, i went to Queensway to exchange my shoes that i was given as a bday present.
While waiting for kevin also, I picked out another shoes cos they dont ve my shoe size for that silver lacoste anymore.
Ended up with another lacoste, but its black. haha. Paid extra 8 bucks for it, cos its abit more expensive than the previous one and its newer.
Went to meet him and headed to his house.
we had dinner and took a cab to kallang indoor stadium for mayday's DNA concert.
My bro's friend bought the tix so we waited for them and the tix to get in haha. else we just stay outside the stadium pretending to be fans.. hahaha!
my first Mayday concert! woohoo! I seen them during one of their qian chang hui at vivo. but thats all, lol.
My god, this is one of the longest concert ive seen and been to. They gave a total of 3 encores by requests, demands actually, haha.
it was 12.10am by the time the whole concert ended. so tired and drained out. but so worth our money. haha!
Shall upload the photos and videos here and fb. haha. latest in the afternoon cos charging battery now.
Thats all! Come back for more updates on my zainu life. haha.
*wait, zai nu dont go out wat... XD*
Anyways, i went down to have lunch with some of my ex-colleagues yday. JJ bought me a cake haha and we celebrated my bday in the hawker center haha.
After that, i went to Queensway to exchange my shoes that i was given as a bday present.
While waiting for kevin also, I picked out another shoes cos they dont ve my shoe size for that silver lacoste anymore.
Ended up with another lacoste, but its black. haha. Paid extra 8 bucks for it, cos its abit more expensive than the previous one and its newer.
Went to meet him and headed to his house.
we had dinner and took a cab to kallang indoor stadium for mayday's DNA concert.
My bro's friend bought the tix so we waited for them and the tix to get in haha. else we just stay outside the stadium pretending to be fans.. hahaha!
my first Mayday concert! woohoo! I seen them during one of their qian chang hui at vivo. but thats all, lol.
My god, this is one of the longest concert ive seen and been to. They gave a total of 3 encores by requests, demands actually, haha.
it was 12.10am by the time the whole concert ended. so tired and drained out. but so worth our money. haha!
Shall upload the photos and videos here and fb. haha. latest in the afternoon cos charging battery now.
Thats all! Come back for more updates on my zainu life. haha.
*wait, zai nu dont go out wat... XD*
Thursday, August 27, 2009
aw.. results coming out soon.. keeping my fingers crossed. sigh.
oh yea, my cousin bought me this book "The 5 love languages". I strongly recommend this book to those couples out there, cos it teaches how to express your love to your partner in ur partner's primary love language. In this way, they are more receptive to your love in their own way, instead of the way you think how you should love them.
i brought it to ikea cafe, while waiting for my ex-colleagues to join me for lunch. They saw me reading this book and ask, "r u married?" LOL. Its not like that. Couples that are not married are further encouraged to read this book. Don't wait until you have misunderstanding with each other even after you are married, its better to find your own happiness now before its too late.
I haven finish yet, but this book is readable. Cos its thin and the font size just nice for reading haha.
Do i look like im into philosophy? hmm.. maybe..
i like to think abt human mindsets, behaviours, cultures and loads of other stuffs. Anyway, been contemplating to study psychology, but its full time. Just a thought though. haha.
*Life is short. Better do the things u want now, before its late.* Ooohhh, now i fully understand this quote.
Good, gotta go for checkup, do my bloody fyp, finish my last year of sch if i pass this year, and study psychology.
and den see how.. haha..
cya soon!
oh yea, my cousin bought me this book "The 5 love languages". I strongly recommend this book to those couples out there, cos it teaches how to express your love to your partner in ur partner's primary love language. In this way, they are more receptive to your love in their own way, instead of the way you think how you should love them.
i brought it to ikea cafe, while waiting for my ex-colleagues to join me for lunch. They saw me reading this book and ask, "r u married?" LOL. Its not like that. Couples that are not married are further encouraged to read this book. Don't wait until you have misunderstanding with each other even after you are married, its better to find your own happiness now before its too late.
I haven finish yet, but this book is readable. Cos its thin and the font size just nice for reading haha.
Do i look like im into philosophy? hmm.. maybe..
i like to think abt human mindsets, behaviours, cultures and loads of other stuffs. Anyway, been contemplating to study psychology, but its full time. Just a thought though. haha.
*Life is short. Better do the things u want now, before its late.* Ooohhh, now i fully understand this quote.
Good, gotta go for checkup, do my bloody fyp, finish my last year of sch if i pass this year, and study psychology.
and den see how.. haha..
cya soon!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Completed my internship. Nearly forgotten to write up an internship report. haha
Friday wasnt my busiest day, but i was hand-overing some work to colleagues. I still need to finish some work too. So waiting for adrian to get his rental car, i completed my work until quite 7pm den i went 4th floor to find fanny.
Some colleagues were still around, so we chitchatted abit. After adrian came back, we drove off to marina square to eat dinner.
After that, we went to ritz calton to ve tea. haha. Late supper.
Saturday, met up with hariyanto and ben for lunch and we went partyworld at orchard. JJ joined us there and we sang until 7pm.
After that, we wenta find fanny and had dinner at PlazaSing. headed towards TheCathay to watch The Proposal. The show was so funny haha. A typical romantic comedy but got sandra bullock thats y... one of my fav stars of all time..
Anyway went home after that.
So slacking at home right now. Omg, i miss the time when i dont ve to go to work on weekdays. hahaha. enjoy whenever i can right now. lol.
Should start running tmr. So long nv run liao haha. Getting fatter and lazier. =X
Cya guys soon!
P.S. Photos are uploaded in facebook..
Friday wasnt my busiest day, but i was hand-overing some work to colleagues. I still need to finish some work too. So waiting for adrian to get his rental car, i completed my work until quite 7pm den i went 4th floor to find fanny.
Some colleagues were still around, so we chitchatted abit. After adrian came back, we drove off to marina square to eat dinner.
After that, we went to ritz calton to ve tea. haha. Late supper.
Saturday, met up with hariyanto and ben for lunch and we went partyworld at orchard. JJ joined us there and we sang until 7pm.
After that, we wenta find fanny and had dinner at PlazaSing. headed towards TheCathay to watch The Proposal. The show was so funny haha. A typical romantic comedy but got sandra bullock thats y... one of my fav stars of all time..
Anyway went home after that.
So slacking at home right now. Omg, i miss the time when i dont ve to go to work on weekdays. hahaha. enjoy whenever i can right now. lol.
Should start running tmr. So long nv run liao haha. Getting fatter and lazier. =X
Cya guys soon!
P.S. Photos are uploaded in facebook..
Monday, August 17, 2009
finally.. 4 more days to go!
im dreading these 4 days cos i have absolutely nth to do. Oh not totally nth. its just the 1 task that i hate to do! its totally out of my original internship work.
i was supposed to assist a system analyst. How did it end up like that?
I know im incompetent. but do you have to keep giving me shit work to do, just bcos im an intern?
Overflowing emotions. cos im an intern.
Initially, really was happy cos thought i would really learn something new and relating to my studies. now for the past 9 weeks, i think i really did learn and did nth related. sigh.
anyway, should really go exercise after my whole internship already. My double chin and my tummy are visible. Not obvious but visible. hahaha.
been going out with some colleagues now. Similar to zhikai, the biggest achievement ive gotten from this internship is to befriend all these colleagues. =)
I cannot get a permanent job. Maybe next time i should get a contract job instead. cos i'll die of the working routine. the inevitable cycle of sleep, work, eat, sleep. haha.
going to start fretting about something soon. Some issues that i avoid for a long time alrdy. =(
Gonna sleep le. Cya guys soon!
im dreading these 4 days cos i have absolutely nth to do. Oh not totally nth. its just the 1 task that i hate to do! its totally out of my original internship work.
i was supposed to assist a system analyst. How did it end up like that?
I know im incompetent. but do you have to keep giving me shit work to do, just bcos im an intern?
Overflowing emotions. cos im an intern.
Initially, really was happy cos thought i would really learn something new and relating to my studies. now for the past 9 weeks, i think i really did learn and did nth related. sigh.
anyway, should really go exercise after my whole internship already. My double chin and my tummy are visible. Not obvious but visible. hahaha.
been going out with some colleagues now. Similar to zhikai, the biggest achievement ive gotten from this internship is to befriend all these colleagues. =)
I cannot get a permanent job. Maybe next time i should get a contract job instead. cos i'll die of the working routine. the inevitable cycle of sleep, work, eat, sleep. haha.
going to start fretting about something soon. Some issues that i avoid for a long time alrdy. =(
Gonna sleep le. Cya guys soon!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i nv used to upload photos on fb. i thought it was one of those friendster slow uploading tools.
haha.. but den i saw how easy it is to use after i bought my camera and try to upload it on fb.
although its tiring to tag every single one of u la, but it should be worth it. haha..
first time i upload any photos to fb. and first time i upload so much. haha.
ooh, i simply love my camera! although it has no image stabilizer. =.=
which is why u can almost see blurred images on every photos. lol
'sides, im having fun my colleagues now. haha. yea they are loads of fun when they are in the office and out of it. keke.
there should be more outings after my internship ends, so that our friendships dont just stay there. =)
Cya guys soon!
haha.. but den i saw how easy it is to use after i bought my camera and try to upload it on fb.
although its tiring to tag every single one of u la, but it should be worth it. haha..
first time i upload any photos to fb. and first time i upload so much. haha.
ooh, i simply love my camera! although it has no image stabilizer. =.=
which is why u can almost see blurred images on every photos. lol
'sides, im having fun my colleagues now. haha. yea they are loads of fun when they are in the office and out of it. keke.
there should be more outings after my internship ends, so that our friendships dont just stay there. =)
Cya guys soon!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
hmm so long never update alrdy. =p
Latest update on these 2 weeks.
Last sunday went out with a bunch of colleagues to sentosa. Photos are uploaded in facebook if u wanna view them. =D
In the morning, adrian and fanny came to fetch me to sentosa. De rest of the gangs joined soon after we arrived. Suntan and played in the sea. After which we bathed and den ate alittle at delifrance before adrian drove us girls to vivo.
Lunch was at kim gary den we headed to topone ktv to enjoy our singing session. =D Sang till 6pm and ate ate lai lai kitchen.
Went with adrian, my colleague, to orchard to buy him some clothes. *I only accompany him* Before that, we had sushi tei at taka. Well, it was abit late when we finished dinner, so he only got himself 1 pair of jeans. anyway we went to coffee club opp california fitness to ve some tea.
Last Thurs, went with adrian and zhikai to somerset to eat dinner and chitchatted at the coffee club opp california fitness haha. i swear i wasnt facing california fitness lol. it was the guys who were facing. too bad some girl we wanna intro to zhikai didnt show up lol. went home ard 11+pm.
Wanna do some last minute shopping, so went with adrian, whom haven finish his shopping, to suntec. Benedict went home first, but came shortly after to join us for dinner. Sharon didnt make it after she went home to put her laptop and den had dinner with her sis. JJ went home too, cos he forgot his hp too. =.=' He joined us around 9 plus pm, after we had dinner, haha.
wanted to watch Public enemy, but it wasnt showing in marina GV. so in the end, we played pool. haha.
Big DAY for kevin tan! was his 23rd bday. Well, initially he didnt know that we had a surprise party for him. But he did suspected something. Well, partially cos his mum leak abit. and den his fren sms him but he already knew so... =.= Anyway, was damn disappointed when the suspense was up. Wah my effort..! aiyo, next time we shouldnt do it at the function room at his condo. just a plain dinner will do.. >.< arhh.. i must admit im a lousy organiser..
Despite that, the party was still on and we had a nice time! Thanks for all the people who were there!
Photos already uploaded to facebook haha.
Well i shall upload to flickr when im free. =)
Latest update on these 2 weeks.
Last sunday went out with a bunch of colleagues to sentosa. Photos are uploaded in facebook if u wanna view them. =D
In the morning, adrian and fanny came to fetch me to sentosa. De rest of the gangs joined soon after we arrived. Suntan and played in the sea. After which we bathed and den ate alittle at delifrance before adrian drove us girls to vivo.
Lunch was at kim gary den we headed to topone ktv to enjoy our singing session. =D Sang till 6pm and ate ate lai lai kitchen.
Went with adrian, my colleague, to orchard to buy him some clothes. *I only accompany him* Before that, we had sushi tei at taka. Well, it was abit late when we finished dinner, so he only got himself 1 pair of jeans. anyway we went to coffee club opp california fitness to ve some tea.
Last Thurs, went with adrian and zhikai to somerset to eat dinner and chitchatted at the coffee club opp california fitness haha. i swear i wasnt facing california fitness lol. it was the guys who were facing. too bad some girl we wanna intro to zhikai didnt show up lol. went home ard 11+pm.
Wanna do some last minute shopping, so went with adrian, whom haven finish his shopping, to suntec. Benedict went home first, but came shortly after to join us for dinner. Sharon didnt make it after she went home to put her laptop and den had dinner with her sis. JJ went home too, cos he forgot his hp too. =.=' He joined us around 9 plus pm, after we had dinner, haha.
wanted to watch Public enemy, but it wasnt showing in marina GV. so in the end, we played pool. haha.
Big DAY for kevin tan! was his 23rd bday. Well, initially he didnt know that we had a surprise party for him. But he did suspected something. Well, partially cos his mum leak abit. and den his fren sms him but he already knew so... =.= Anyway, was damn disappointed when the suspense was up. Wah my effort..! aiyo, next time we shouldnt do it at the function room at his condo. just a plain dinner will do.. >.< arhh.. i must admit im a lousy organiser..
Despite that, the party was still on and we had a nice time! Thanks for all the people who were there!
Photos already uploaded to facebook haha.
Well i shall upload to flickr when im free. =)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
im always angry / upset with myself. i seriously do have brain defect. how else do u explain all the queer things that has happened to me??
Sometimes i know thinking too much doesn't help at all. But not thinking alone doesnt mean that my problems will go away. Things that i can see, hear, touch and feel just make me think more, and its just more upsetting, cos its hard to find someone who actually know. Every individual is unique you know.
I will probably nv understand the way i am, people just see the way i am so they cant tell me why i am the way i am. Unless i could really use up the rest of my brain to think about who i am and what i should be doing.
I am talking abt general stuffs about myself, not some specific stuffs. Probably i cant see the big picture, thats y im still stuck in misery.
Its hard to see the big picture, unless ure some god-giver or something. What am i supposed to do now? Am i supposed to be achieving something big or just be low profile? Should I do something about myself that remains undone, or shall i continue to be "myself", whom i dont even know if im the real me?
I saw a dialogue in a tv drama that a man questions a woman, "What is the difference between an expert and a layman?" The woman answered, "By the amount of mistakes you make. Experts tend to make fewer mistakes."
Although they are referring to work and office, but i realise this question could relate to life too. If you had more experiences of life, you make lesser mistakes, and you wont feel the pain of regretting later of making the wrong decision. I am definitely a noob of life.
The things that i wont understand and dont know will not solve today, until i have experienced more.
They call me xiao mei mei, which is true. I am one. I am not kidding. I am still pampered, protected against the realities of life under the arms of good people. I dont know the consequences of hurting people that you know or you dont know. Like my colleague told us before, "You guys are still lucky you are young. You can speak whatever is in your mind. You know what you want and you are not afraid to let it be known."
And den i was thinking, what does she mean by that? isnt something you know what you want, a good thing? thats life right? if not, r u not wasting it by rejecting ur wants and needs?
maybe theres still alot i dont know. which is why i still dont understand yet. But maybe gradually i will.
But one thing i definitely understand is, you cant get anything you want.
Back to my own thoughts, i spoke without thinking to kevin just now. I didnt think how it would hurt him by saying selfish words. I was blinded by my anger. Not that im saying he doesnt. haha. but arent humans all the same? If logic comes back to you soon enough, den you can repent. If not, you are leading your own death.
Whoever dont erred? Its just the matter of how much they err.
Random thoughts. They only weave around me. haha.
Be blogging again soon. =)
Sometimes i know thinking too much doesn't help at all. But not thinking alone doesnt mean that my problems will go away. Things that i can see, hear, touch and feel just make me think more, and its just more upsetting, cos its hard to find someone who actually know. Every individual is unique you know.
I will probably nv understand the way i am, people just see the way i am so they cant tell me why i am the way i am. Unless i could really use up the rest of my brain to think about who i am and what i should be doing.
I am talking abt general stuffs about myself, not some specific stuffs. Probably i cant see the big picture, thats y im still stuck in misery.
Its hard to see the big picture, unless ure some god-giver or something. What am i supposed to do now? Am i supposed to be achieving something big or just be low profile? Should I do something about myself that remains undone, or shall i continue to be "myself", whom i dont even know if im the real me?
I saw a dialogue in a tv drama that a man questions a woman, "What is the difference between an expert and a layman?" The woman answered, "By the amount of mistakes you make. Experts tend to make fewer mistakes."
Although they are referring to work and office, but i realise this question could relate to life too. If you had more experiences of life, you make lesser mistakes, and you wont feel the pain of regretting later of making the wrong decision. I am definitely a noob of life.
The things that i wont understand and dont know will not solve today, until i have experienced more.
They call me xiao mei mei, which is true. I am one. I am not kidding. I am still pampered, protected against the realities of life under the arms of good people. I dont know the consequences of hurting people that you know or you dont know. Like my colleague told us before, "You guys are still lucky you are young. You can speak whatever is in your mind. You know what you want and you are not afraid to let it be known."
And den i was thinking, what does she mean by that? isnt something you know what you want, a good thing? thats life right? if not, r u not wasting it by rejecting ur wants and needs?
maybe theres still alot i dont know. which is why i still dont understand yet. But maybe gradually i will.
But one thing i definitely understand is, you cant get anything you want.
Back to my own thoughts, i spoke without thinking to kevin just now. I didnt think how it would hurt him by saying selfish words. I was blinded by my anger. Not that im saying he doesnt. haha. but arent humans all the same? If logic comes back to you soon enough, den you can repent. If not, you are leading your own death.
Whoever dont erred? Its just the matter of how much they err.
Random thoughts. They only weave around me. haha.
Be blogging again soon. =)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Woah, at work im just waiting for lunch break only. haha.
Its fun to go out with a large group of other colleagues, better than their previous diversified group, as what adrian had said.
at home, i ve a few gamer buddies waiting for me. haha. sorry but i only play cute mmo/mmorpg. The current one im addicted to is Dragonica, lol. Similar to maple, but only more fun.
internship left with 5 weeks more to go. Although im glad in a way, but also sad that im leaving my kawaii colleagues. haha.
oh speaking of them, some of us recently visited pearl, whom because of too much excitement the day before pulau ubin, injured her leg accidentally. we made fun of the flowers that JJ bought for pearl, haha, oh and btw, i chose that cute elmo~! haha..
anyway, this bunch of colleagues really brighten my days in Hutcabb. =) oh god, shall say thanks on the last day den. =) and not forgetting any of their names too. >.<
hoping that our next few gatherings will be successful before i leave. But we can still meet up after i leave rite? =P
see ya soon!
Its fun to go out with a large group of other colleagues, better than their previous diversified group, as what adrian had said.
at home, i ve a few gamer buddies waiting for me. haha. sorry but i only play cute mmo/mmorpg. The current one im addicted to is Dragonica, lol. Similar to maple, but only more fun.
internship left with 5 weeks more to go. Although im glad in a way, but also sad that im leaving my kawaii colleagues. haha.
oh speaking of them, some of us recently visited pearl, whom because of too much excitement the day before pulau ubin, injured her leg accidentally. we made fun of the flowers that JJ bought for pearl, haha, oh and btw, i chose that cute elmo~! haha..
anyway, this bunch of colleagues really brighten my days in Hutcabb. =) oh god, shall say thanks on the last day den. =) and not forgetting any of their names too. >.<
hoping that our next few gatherings will be successful before i leave. But we can still meet up after i leave rite? =P
see ya soon!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
woo, my first ever trip to pulau ubin was fun! which i dont ve to cycle around.. haha..!
thursday we had meeting for nearly the whole afternoon after lunch until 9pm, mostly for the ubin event on friday.
fri - woke up early for the meetups at sime darby, to board the bus to changi jetty and to settle things for the event along the way.
arrived at the jetty and the committee members head off first to set up for games at ubin!
the whole event was smooth, except for the heavy rain during lunch time (so lucky we all got back before the rain). after lunch was free time and den there was a sensory walk led by grant, the ubin guide.
got back to mainland around evening to have dinner at changi jetty. we had a sumptuous seafood dinner and enjoyed the prize presentation.
too bad, it was the last day of work for biru. She is the intern that shared the same table as me in the office haha! Well, we had fun in the office.
And she still owe me my twilight series, so i guess i will be seeing her very soon! Her bday is around july so me and JJ bought her a farewell + bday gift on her last day. =) so glad that she love it! ^^
saddens for shan cos shan really like biru so much that she cant bear to let her go. =) She teared abit while bidding goodbye after dinner when we all are leaving.
hmm, that day was really eventful. thanks to biru for organising so well and so much =) i doubt i could do any better. =) There goes my lunch kakia too. but we shall meet her again, since she live so near the company. haha.
until den =)
thursday we had meeting for nearly the whole afternoon after lunch until 9pm, mostly for the ubin event on friday.
fri - woke up early for the meetups at sime darby, to board the bus to changi jetty and to settle things for the event along the way.
arrived at the jetty and the committee members head off first to set up for games at ubin!
the whole event was smooth, except for the heavy rain during lunch time (so lucky we all got back before the rain). after lunch was free time and den there was a sensory walk led by grant, the ubin guide.
got back to mainland around evening to have dinner at changi jetty. we had a sumptuous seafood dinner and enjoyed the prize presentation.
too bad, it was the last day of work for biru. She is the intern that shared the same table as me in the office haha! Well, we had fun in the office.
And she still owe me my twilight series, so i guess i will be seeing her very soon! Her bday is around july so me and JJ bought her a farewell + bday gift on her last day. =) so glad that she love it! ^^
saddens for shan cos shan really like biru so much that she cant bear to let her go. =) She teared abit while bidding goodbye after dinner when we all are leaving.
hmm, that day was really eventful. thanks to biru for organising so well and so much =) i doubt i could do any better. =) There goes my lunch kakia too. but we shall meet her again, since she live so near the company. haha.
until den =)
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
woo finally met up jiemeiz. gave them their gifts and chocolates ^^)
we went waraku casual dining to eat lunch. and den went to shop. haha!
they bought their sweets from john little. and den me and love went to try on some slip ons at famous footwear, but in the end nv buy.
saw bodyshop and went in to shop for mineral foundation + brush. gotten free gifts also! they didnt ve stocks for my concealer. and i ve forgotten to go raffles city outlet and buy it. guess next time den.
finally left bodyshop and headed towards suntec! walked around, went in faceshop and sasa and they bought some stuff too. lol.. ate at subway after jo and kaiwen left.
went home after the day's good walking session. i think my legs were gonna give way if i dont go home soon! haha!
we went waraku casual dining to eat lunch. and den went to shop. haha!
they bought their sweets from john little. and den me and love went to try on some slip ons at famous footwear, but in the end nv buy.
saw bodyshop and went in to shop for mineral foundation + brush. gotten free gifts also! they didnt ve stocks for my concealer. and i ve forgotten to go raffles city outlet and buy it. guess next time den.
finally left bodyshop and headed towards suntec! walked around, went in faceshop and sasa and they bought some stuff too. lol.. ate at subway after jo and kaiwen left.
went home after the day's good walking session. i think my legs were gonna give way if i dont go home soon! haha!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
cannot be..
my weighing machine should spoil.. cos im not that heavy one lor..
my avg weight used to be 43-44 kg. okay im still not very heavy yet.. but still~!!
sucks, it should be all the eating in the office.. and no exercising..
i should stick to my old exercise regime once my internship is over.
or rather i shall start another weekend workout schedule.
friday went out with cheeyong and grouppies to eat at waraku in central mall. den after that we went to minds cafe, followed by equinox.. (nice atmosphere and view! i forgot whats the bar called, but thank you uncle ben! LOL!)
sat - love, yq, dan, kevin, cs came to my house. we ordered pizza, which was so wrong ><, and chilled out with the guitar and drum haha.
after which we had a nice dinner with jo and sheng at pastamania in harbourfront.
okay gotta prepare now for outing with jiemeis later.. jyaa na!
my weighing machine should spoil.. cos im not that heavy one lor..
my avg weight used to be 43-44 kg. okay im still not very heavy yet.. but still~!!
sucks, it should be all the eating in the office.. and no exercising..
i should stick to my old exercise regime once my internship is over.
or rather i shall start another weekend workout schedule.
friday went out with cheeyong and grouppies to eat at waraku in central mall. den after that we went to minds cafe, followed by equinox.. (nice atmosphere and view! i forgot whats the bar called, but thank you uncle ben! LOL!)
sat - love, yq, dan, kevin, cs came to my house. we ordered pizza, which was so wrong ><, and chilled out with the guitar and drum haha.
after which we had a nice dinner with jo and sheng at pastamania in harbourfront.
okay gotta prepare now for outing with jiemeis later.. jyaa na!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
hmm.. nth to post much.
Work is so-so, but at least i got work to do every day so i wont be found idling. Unlike those poly days internship lidat.
haha. looking forward to the gatherings this weekends. =)
its been long since i long gone out with them. U know who u r. haha.
Woot, gotta go clean up for a while. Been eating, bathing and sleeping. Lazy to clean my room haha.
See ya!
Work is so-so, but at least i got work to do every day so i wont be found idling. Unlike those poly days internship lidat.
haha. looking forward to the gatherings this weekends. =)
its been long since i long gone out with them. U know who u r. haha.
Woot, gotta go clean up for a while. Been eating, bathing and sleeping. Lazy to clean my room haha.
See ya!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
im supposed to sleep now.. but for the sake of u guys.. i upload these photos.. haha..
hope u guys enjoy it.. we shall meet up very soon!
hope u guys enjoy it.. we shall meet up very soon!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
zzz on first day on work, i see JJ, jin jian not junjie hor, a coursemate of mine. Apparently he is now employed in the company im interning in, cos he just graduated after our exams.
Well, anyway, glad to see someone i know, well sorta, in the company, morever, in our dept. we have another NUS intern call Biru*, whos sitting with me in the office. she is so cute, she reminds me of kaiwen. LOL. sorry, cos u n her look similar, both in personality, and physically. biru only ve another 4 more weeks to go, i think i will miss her when shes not around. which is why im glad i ve JJ there. haha.
been doing admin work up till now. and theres so many things to do that i didnt know which to start first. finishing 3/4 of the work im tasked with already.
oh yea, my company is at sime darby enterprise, near queensway shopping center. so today me and biru went down to qway to eat curry chicken haha. yday was at abc market. hmm, theres quite alot of food center here. so no fret. LOL
finally, tmr is friday. i shall go shopping for more clothes on sat. GSS, here i come!
gotta go bath and sleep again. haha. well, hope to meet u guys up soon!! if time permits. =)
Well, anyway, glad to see someone i know, well sorta, in the company, morever, in our dept. we have another NUS intern call Biru*, whos sitting with me in the office. she is so cute, she reminds me of kaiwen. LOL. sorry, cos u n her look similar, both in personality, and physically. biru only ve another 4 more weeks to go, i think i will miss her when shes not around. which is why im glad i ve JJ there. haha.
been doing admin work up till now. and theres so many things to do that i didnt know which to start first. finishing 3/4 of the work im tasked with already.
oh yea, my company is at sime darby enterprise, near queensway shopping center. so today me and biru went down to qway to eat curry chicken haha. yday was at abc market. hmm, theres quite alot of food center here. so no fret. LOL
finally, tmr is friday. i shall go shopping for more clothes on sat. GSS, here i come!
gotta go bath and sleep again. haha. well, hope to meet u guys up soon!! if time permits. =)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
yea back~!
been busy these few days so haven upload any hokkaido photos yet. if u guys yearn for some of them, my bro uploaded in his facebook tag me in some of the photos. really little tagging of me.. =.=
meanwhile, keep tuning in for my photos~! i should be able to upload them this weekends.
erm, what else ar? ehto, yea hokkaido was fun and tiring. cos we keep getting on and off the tour bus haha. and worse of all, the bus journeys and the flight to and fro hokkaido. super duper long and sleepy! worst is cant sleep at all! did catch a wink or two but thats abt it! zzz...
and u guys probably needa thank me, cos we ve been finding souvenirs everywhere we go. haha. seriously, almost every stops the shops sell confectionaries and gifts that would catch our attention.
but of cos the bad thing is, everything there is expensive, so we cant afford alot of stuff with our yens. cos in japan, they do cash transaction in almost everywhere, unless u r at big names malls.
anyway, gotta go bath, shall blog more during weekends. cya!
been busy these few days so haven upload any hokkaido photos yet. if u guys yearn for some of them, my bro uploaded in his facebook tag me in some of the photos. really little tagging of me.. =.=
meanwhile, keep tuning in for my photos~! i should be able to upload them this weekends.
erm, what else ar? ehto, yea hokkaido was fun and tiring. cos we keep getting on and off the tour bus haha. and worse of all, the bus journeys and the flight to and fro hokkaido. super duper long and sleepy! worst is cant sleep at all! did catch a wink or two but thats abt it! zzz...
and u guys probably needa thank me, cos we ve been finding souvenirs everywhere we go. haha. seriously, almost every stops the shops sell confectionaries and gifts that would catch our attention.
but of cos the bad thing is, everything there is expensive, so we cant afford alot of stuff with our yens. cos in japan, they do cash transaction in almost everywhere, unless u r at big names malls.
anyway, gotta go bath, shall blog more during weekends. cya!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Exams over.
but its not the last of them. if everything goes well this year, i ve one more year to go. and next year should be abit torture with 2 projects to go. sigh.
but enough abt that, haha.
went straight for shopping after my last paper at starhub center in cuppage and got my aloe vera set from bodyshop. watched terminator with dear and walked around taka and wisma.
hmm, didnt see anything fancy so went back to jp and ve dinner. and bought a cute tissue coin pouch too.
Theres nothing miscellanous left to buy except for clothes and shoes, so we left.
oh and next day, my bro and i went to jp again to get his sims3, haha. he induced me into playing by installing it on my com to test the sims3 quality (apparently my com has better graphic card, of cos!)
sims3 got me interested in that game again after hmm, for couple of years? its probably new with all the complete sims3 features but lots of "furnitures" and "decorations" from sims2 are gone. lets hope theres expansion packs for sims3.
Meanwhile i haven pack for hokkaido yet. haha. going to head off tmr evening so theres no need to rush in packing.
the thing thats weighing on my mind is on the day when i should arrive back to singapore around midnight, and den the first thing i need to do is to sleep, and den waking up early to go for work next day. zzz.
working is not a problem. my letharginess affect my days mood though. and i would feel like sleeping the whole day. i had that feeling once before, cos i was having a serious headache so i took off to go home and rest. well, okay, it affects my work.
its not like school where u only need to tolerate few hours of lecture. and den going back home to nap. haha.
which is why i say proper and enough sleep is important for me. haha.
maybe if something were to interest me / keep me occupied, i wouldnt feel that sleepy. but internship is like, hmm, nothing for u to do?
although it beats staying at home for a few months, lol.
well, i'll take whatever it'll come.
for now, i shall play sim3 and pack for my trip! see ya!
but its not the last of them. if everything goes well this year, i ve one more year to go. and next year should be abit torture with 2 projects to go. sigh.
but enough abt that, haha.
went straight for shopping after my last paper at starhub center in cuppage and got my aloe vera set from bodyshop. watched terminator with dear and walked around taka and wisma.
hmm, didnt see anything fancy so went back to jp and ve dinner. and bought a cute tissue coin pouch too.
Theres nothing miscellanous left to buy except for clothes and shoes, so we left.
oh and next day, my bro and i went to jp again to get his sims3, haha. he induced me into playing by installing it on my com to test the sims3 quality (apparently my com has better graphic card, of cos!)
sims3 got me interested in that game again after hmm, for couple of years? its probably new with all the complete sims3 features but lots of "furnitures" and "decorations" from sims2 are gone. lets hope theres expansion packs for sims3.
Meanwhile i haven pack for hokkaido yet. haha. going to head off tmr evening so theres no need to rush in packing.
the thing thats weighing on my mind is on the day when i should arrive back to singapore around midnight, and den the first thing i need to do is to sleep, and den waking up early to go for work next day. zzz.
working is not a problem. my letharginess affect my days mood though. and i would feel like sleeping the whole day. i had that feeling once before, cos i was having a serious headache so i took off to go home and rest. well, okay, it affects my work.
its not like school where u only need to tolerate few hours of lecture. and den going back home to nap. haha.
which is why i say proper and enough sleep is important for me. haha.
maybe if something were to interest me / keep me occupied, i wouldnt feel that sleepy. but internship is like, hmm, nothing for u to do?
although it beats staying at home for a few months, lol.
well, i'll take whatever it'll come.
for now, i shall play sim3 and pack for my trip! see ya!
Monday, June 01, 2009
at last, completed writing my notes. Time for my last revision of the notes for the day..
so much to write and read, i wonder if my brain can take all those information down in a day, and shoot them out like a gatling gun tmr. haha.
to add on my stress, im having pms, which is making me tired and moody. zzz
sucks. my eyes feel so dry and tired now i feel like going to take a nap.
ar, somehow i really wish a more colorful life. probably more activities to do, but then my lazy attitude just prohibit from wanting to do things. wahaha.
tsk, time is running out for my school life and my slacking life. noooo.. i dont want to start another wierd life, filling of fear and tears, and much tension. now is so relaxing. i can think of my trip whenever i want.. hahaha..!
time to eat! =D *how nonchalent =.=*
see.. told u im having pms. so emo. i wanttttt to be the happiest woman on the earth!! *who doesnt, bish!*
i want a life!
woooooooooooooo.................................... i can see white light coming for me.......................... *hello?* so incoherent in thinking now.................. so gaga............... meow.................................
so much to write and read, i wonder if my brain can take all those information down in a day, and shoot them out like a gatling gun tmr. haha.
to add on my stress, im having pms, which is making me tired and moody. zzz
sucks. my eyes feel so dry and tired now i feel like going to take a nap.
ar, somehow i really wish a more colorful life. probably more activities to do, but then my lazy attitude just prohibit from wanting to do things. wahaha.
tsk, time is running out for my school life and my slacking life. noooo.. i dont want to start another wierd life, filling of fear and tears, and much tension. now is so relaxing. i can think of my trip whenever i want.. hahaha..!
time to eat! =D *how nonchalent =.=*
see.. told u im having pms. so emo. i wanttttt to be the happiest woman on the earth!! *who doesnt, bish!*
i want a life!
woooooooooooooo.................................... i can see white light coming for me.......................... *hello?* so incoherent in thinking now.................. so gaga............... meow.................................
Saturday, May 30, 2009
continued watching naruto shippuden and bleach yday. so many episodes didnt watch already..!
the first time yday that i finished studying around evening (without distraction thats y haha). so i gave myself a break haha. yesh, mostly i force myself to mug and make notes for a handful before i give it a rest at night.
starting to get the carefree feeling after my pimples caused by own stress slowing begin to fade. guess becos im finally starting to make sense of my notes =.= if not, will be so blurred cos simply too many things to read and comprehend.. sigh.
theres still 3 more articles to read and make summarised notes. guess i should start soon or again i need to study until 10pm. zzz.
lately i ve been sleeping for probably 7-8 hours.. haha.. its enough for me. but really if i sleep early, i should wake up early (bio clock of 7 hours sleep). enough sleep and drinking sufficient fluid also bring beauty lol. like pimples diminishing.
well, most imptly i started to really care for my teeth and its counterparts. haha. i make it a point to clean them after eating, whether by liquid (listerine) expel, brushing or tongue cleaning. lessen my bad breath too. haha.
is it just me, or have i gotten vain? haha..
okay lets continue mugging.. my small brain and i, will jiayou de! *puke, stop acting cute laa*
the first time yday that i finished studying around evening (without distraction thats y haha). so i gave myself a break haha. yesh, mostly i force myself to mug and make notes for a handful before i give it a rest at night.
starting to get the carefree feeling after my pimples caused by own stress slowing begin to fade. guess becos im finally starting to make sense of my notes =.= if not, will be so blurred cos simply too many things to read and comprehend.. sigh.
theres still 3 more articles to read and make summarised notes. guess i should start soon or again i need to study until 10pm. zzz.
lately i ve been sleeping for probably 7-8 hours.. haha.. its enough for me. but really if i sleep early, i should wake up early (bio clock of 7 hours sleep). enough sleep and drinking sufficient fluid also bring beauty lol. like pimples diminishing.
well, most imptly i started to really care for my teeth and its counterparts. haha. i make it a point to clean them after eating, whether by liquid (listerine) expel, brushing or tongue cleaning. lessen my bad breath too. haha.
is it just me, or have i gotten vain? haha..
okay lets continue mugging.. my small brain and i, will jiayou de! *puke, stop acting cute laa*
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
how silly,
to always craving for things that would never come. And the need to understand and satisfy other ppl's needs just to hope that my own needs can be fulfilled.
it sux when hope is taken away from u. As it rises, the disappointment is bigger when its dashed.
Well i guess it seems to be only in my head.. And thats y i hate it.
who can really see what i want and fulfill my needs?
to always craving for things that would never come. And the need to understand and satisfy other ppl's needs just to hope that my own needs can be fulfilled.
it sux when hope is taken away from u. As it rises, the disappointment is bigger when its dashed.
Well i guess it seems to be only in my head.. And thats y i hate it.
who can really see what i want and fulfill my needs?
Monday, May 25, 2009
This is why i choose loafers. well, since quite a few years ago too. i like casual wear, more specifically now.
What Is A Loafer And Are They In Style?
There are some who will deal with the pain of uncomfortable shoes just to look good and be fashionable. I see women all the time in super high heeled shoes looking like they are about to fall down and complaining of sore feet. I don't want to sound mean or uncaring, but they are doing it to themselves, it isn't necessary.
Personally, I fall into the comfort category and I know many people are just like me and would rather be comfortable than wear a shoe that hurts my feet just to be trendy. The makers of shoes have noticed that the trend is towards this philosophy and are now increasing production of various options of comfortable shoes. One of these varieties is the timeless loafer which has seen a huge resurgence in popularity recently. These highly comfortable shoes have never really gone out of style but they haven't really been considered fashionable for over ten years, now they are considered stylish. Here are some of the reasons people are choosing loafers today.
Most people who wear loafers, myself included will tell you that their loafers are their favorite and most comfortable shoes. They are very breathable and don't constrict plus they are supportive of your arches. They also are usually highly cushioned which adds to the level of comfort. Do you ever come home and just throw your shoes off as soon as you get in the door because they are hurting your feet so bad? Well, with loafers you don't have that feeling; in fact many people continue wearing theirs around the house after they get home.
Another thing people like about loafers is that they are easy to get on and off and you don't have to deal with laces. I particularly like this aspect. For people who have back problems they are ideal because you can just step into them and slide them on without having to bend over to tie your shoe. If you have back pain or some other medical condition that prevents you from being able to bend over easily try loafers.
The versatility of loafers is another reason for their popularity. They can be worn with semi dressy pants or even with khakis or jeans. They are equally suited for church, office, or a trip to the grocery store. With jeans they give you a dressier look. If you are on your feet a lot at work you may want to consider a pair for the office. You feel a huge difference in comfort and you won't be so tired at the end of the day.
There are many varieties of loafers now being offered compared to what was offered only a decade ago. In the past you may have only been able to find the shoe in black or brown leather but today you can find them in a variety of materials and colors.
article from:
What Is A Loafer And Are They In Style?
There are some who will deal with the pain of uncomfortable shoes just to look good and be fashionable. I see women all the time in super high heeled shoes looking like they are about to fall down and complaining of sore feet. I don't want to sound mean or uncaring, but they are doing it to themselves, it isn't necessary.
Personally, I fall into the comfort category and I know many people are just like me and would rather be comfortable than wear a shoe that hurts my feet just to be trendy. The makers of shoes have noticed that the trend is towards this philosophy and are now increasing production of various options of comfortable shoes. One of these varieties is the timeless loafer which has seen a huge resurgence in popularity recently. These highly comfortable shoes have never really gone out of style but they haven't really been considered fashionable for over ten years, now they are considered stylish. Here are some of the reasons people are choosing loafers today.
Most people who wear loafers, myself included will tell you that their loafers are their favorite and most comfortable shoes. They are very breathable and don't constrict plus they are supportive of your arches. They also are usually highly cushioned which adds to the level of comfort. Do you ever come home and just throw your shoes off as soon as you get in the door because they are hurting your feet so bad? Well, with loafers you don't have that feeling; in fact many people continue wearing theirs around the house after they get home.
Another thing people like about loafers is that they are easy to get on and off and you don't have to deal with laces. I particularly like this aspect. For people who have back problems they are ideal because you can just step into them and slide them on without having to bend over to tie your shoe. If you have back pain or some other medical condition that prevents you from being able to bend over easily try loafers.
The versatility of loafers is another reason for their popularity. They can be worn with semi dressy pants or even with khakis or jeans. They are equally suited for church, office, or a trip to the grocery store. With jeans they give you a dressier look. If you are on your feet a lot at work you may want to consider a pair for the office. You feel a huge difference in comfort and you won't be so tired at the end of the day.
There are many varieties of loafers now being offered compared to what was offered only a decade ago. In the past you may have only been able to find the shoe in black or brown leather but today you can find them in a variety of materials and colors.
article from:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
yesterday evening went with my family and kevin to taka's sushi tei to eat lobster mentai! the texture is sooo good, but the fish eggs on top of it is way too salty. even for me. =P
was so full cos we ordered alot. even after that much, we went down to b1 and buy venezia ice cream for dessert. lol.
today had another full dinner, this time at home. cos my father cooked a huge pot of "yam"ed fish head and papaya with peanut soup (soup isnt that bad but i still wont like papaya soup). super delicious. and well i ate mini ice cream and drank my bro's "concotion" of barley (opps did i say barley.. er i mean bar----) + choco milk. well i had tie guan yin before that as well.
my stomach is at the dynamic process of digestion now. *look at the on-the-verge-of-exploding tummy LOL!*
ugh, so full... *rub tummy*
another week plus to last paper, and den finally i can start packing for hokkaido! woohoo! *sorry am i dancing?*
guess i'll be going for shopping first to shop for my work wear and probably for the trip stuffs. i noe its gss now. who's with me?!
i'll miss the first half of promotion at bodyshop, but theres promo all the way thru gss, so its okay!
just signed up for stage 3 of jap's beginner class starting tmr. should be missing a few lessons in june though cos of the trip, exam and probably work.
hmm. half dying now bcos of mugging too much these few months. >< seriously hope that mugging so much helps in the exam. haha.
Gambatte ne!!
was so full cos we ordered alot. even after that much, we went down to b1 and buy venezia ice cream for dessert. lol.
today had another full dinner, this time at home. cos my father cooked a huge pot of "yam"ed fish head and papaya with peanut soup (soup isnt that bad but i still wont like papaya soup). super delicious. and well i ate mini ice cream and drank my bro's "concotion" of barley (opps did i say barley.. er i mean bar----) + choco milk. well i had tie guan yin before that as well.
my stomach is at the dynamic process of digestion now. *look at the on-the-verge-of-exploding tummy LOL!*
ugh, so full... *rub tummy*
another week plus to last paper, and den finally i can start packing for hokkaido! woohoo! *sorry am i dancing?*
guess i'll be going for shopping first to shop for my work wear and probably for the trip stuffs. i noe its gss now. who's with me?!
i'll miss the first half of promotion at bodyshop, but theres promo all the way thru gss, so its okay!
just signed up for stage 3 of jap's beginner class starting tmr. should be missing a few lessons in june though cos of the trip, exam and probably work.
hmm. half dying now bcos of mugging too much these few months. >< seriously hope that mugging so much helps in the exam. haha.
Gambatte ne!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
going to slack today.
at last, another 2 papers are gone like the wind. *hoping its not coming back ><*
last paper in 2 weeks time.
haven start studying for that paper yet. but i think i just need to read more articles and start making notes and links for this paper.
meanwhile, gonna play some games. oh! and the joy of the coming post exam celebrations!! LOL!
at last, another 2 papers are gone like the wind. *hoping its not coming back ><*
last paper in 2 weeks time.
haven start studying for that paper yet. but i think i just need to read more articles and start making notes and links for this paper.
meanwhile, gonna play some games. oh! and the joy of the coming post exam celebrations!! LOL!
Monday, May 18, 2009
slacking now.. tmr having ict paper at 10 am.
well, gonna go thru my mindmap later one last time before i crash for bed.
already feel like sleeping now. *yawns* den that means that i will be able to sleep early tonight if i dont take a nap now.
been playing plants vs zombie since morning. LOL! sianz..
counting down.. 15 more days.. wols..
even slacking nv been so stressed before =.= maybe its the day before exam, and im slacking away. haha. *just to be clear, i ve already finished mugging for papers for these 2 days*
im already thinking what im gonna do after these 2 papers. lol.
i need to shop.. retail therapy for the exam stress! and high tea!
*maybe i can write a list of to-dos i wish to complete.* *slaps* go study la.
nonono! so near yet so far~~
feeling so crappy now. want to sleep, cos its raining. but if i sleep now, tonight i will difficulty sleeping.
i think i go drink some tea now, well its a sort of my favourite pastime. even without cookies and cakes. just stare and relax, while letting my mind run amok.. no i mean, relax. LOL!
omg, i can smell something, something like mun nian ou... hmm.. hungry.. ok go drink tea le.. cya!
well, gonna go thru my mindmap later one last time before i crash for bed.
already feel like sleeping now. *yawns* den that means that i will be able to sleep early tonight if i dont take a nap now.
been playing plants vs zombie since morning. LOL! sianz..
counting down.. 15 more days.. wols..
even slacking nv been so stressed before =.= maybe its the day before exam, and im slacking away. haha. *just to be clear, i ve already finished mugging for papers for these 2 days*
im already thinking what im gonna do after these 2 papers. lol.
i need to shop.. retail therapy for the exam stress! and high tea!
*maybe i can write a list of to-dos i wish to complete.* *slaps* go study la.
nonono! so near yet so far~~
feeling so crappy now. want to sleep, cos its raining. but if i sleep now, tonight i will difficulty sleeping.
i think i go drink some tea now, well its a sort of my favourite pastime. even without cookies and cakes. just stare and relax, while letting my mind run amok.. no i mean, relax. LOL!
omg, i can smell something, something like mun nian ou... hmm.. hungry.. ok go drink tea le.. cya!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
theres so many things to do and i cannot do them because i ve to mug!! ><
now it feels like im delaying my set timing by 2 days. argh. although my otia is a retake paper and i already finish studying half the total chapters, but its on the 20th leh. and i haven finish mugging for my ICT paper. zzz.
after my exams, im goanna shop! for clothes, for shoes, for things i dont need. lol. going cycling, going swimming probably, going ktv, going for high tea, going for dinner with ppl (u just wait, i will ask u out one LOL), watching shows (any good movies?) and anime, finish reading my last book of breaking dawn, playing oblivion, plants vs zombies.. all within the week before i fly and before my internship starts.
although the number of things probably doesnt compare to, well, as alot, but those are what makes me happy. haha.
ooh, and im still thinking about going taiwan again at the end of this year. time for discussion with the group of ppl im going with. haha.
Kaiwen, HK! lol..
I want freedom!! and happiness!! hahaaaz.
now it feels like im delaying my set timing by 2 days. argh. although my otia is a retake paper and i already finish studying half the total chapters, but its on the 20th leh. and i haven finish mugging for my ICT paper. zzz.
after my exams, im goanna shop! for clothes, for shoes, for things i dont need. lol. going cycling, going swimming probably, going ktv, going for high tea, going for dinner with ppl (u just wait, i will ask u out one LOL), watching shows (any good movies?) and anime, finish reading my last book of breaking dawn, playing oblivion, plants vs zombies.. all within the week before i fly and before my internship starts.
although the number of things probably doesnt compare to, well, as alot, but those are what makes me happy. haha.
ooh, and im still thinking about going taiwan again at the end of this year. time for discussion with the group of ppl im going with. haha.
Kaiwen, HK! lol..
I want freedom!! and happiness!! hahaaaz.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
1 difficult module down. lets pray for pass, shall we?
and exactly 1 month to hokkaido, woohoo! (trying to motivate myself after POA paper)
yesterday, temperature taking and checking of seat arrangement was a waste of time. cant they mobilise more ppl to help us with them? or at least put up more than 1 seating arrangement list outside the exam hall?!
over few thousands students queuing up for temperature taking above hall 3, and than over few hundreds or a thousand fighting to read the arrangement list to know where the seatings are.
den something like, "theres a list inside the hall!" =.= so ppl start to go to the hall and read instead of chionging up to the notice outside. and you ve to queue again to read the list. =.=
clock's ticking. i reached at 9am to queue for cubicle in the ladies. and when i saw the superb long queue (or so i thought for temp taking cos i didnt walk until meeting room 3), i was like, "what the hell? they expect us to take temp when the exam is at 10?!" it was already 9.20am so i told my fren to go directly to the exam hall which is on the other side.
and what a "surpise". when the exam doors are opened around 10 (note this: around 10am hor), theres actually a thermal taking session inside the exam hall. its faster and ppl dont have to sit and wait like what ppl did outside meeting room 3. yeah true, but rmb what i say about the queuing for the seating arrangement list?
so after everyone is done, the exam starts around 10.30am.
oh so u think thats okay, at least 10.30-2pm ma. hello, theres a 2nd paper at 2.30pm! so the head invigilator was like, "no need to panic! we will delay the 2nd paper so it will not start at 2.30pm." well, most students, the year 1 students, were taking these 2 papers at the same day. seriously, that waste of time earlier that day really took us all by inconveniences, and a lapse of exam time.
because i already prepare my exam timing for the paper, setting time for each qns, i really couldnt finish it or rather that time confuse make me gone haywire.
okay, so i attempted all the questions in the paper, but the qns doesnt seem to make sense. like what the hell does the examiner wants?!!
so distressed to find the clock ticking. i dont even know when the exam paper going to end at(extra 15 mins for reading). so i just do lor, without knowing how much time i have left. i estimated each qns timing but so when she says we have 30 mins left, i still have 2 big qns undone. zzz.
i chiong my way through, and i saw the big-headed questions in section C, i was like, "HOW IS THIS ALL SO DIFFICULT!!", chose the easier ones and started doing. it still felt hell to me. AND the chapters i didnt study thoroughly just appear to be the easier ones of the section C.
seriously, i felt like giving up halfway through the paper thinking, i could retake next year what. haha. but haiya, just finish la. what a waste if all these months of poa preparation are just discarded away by these BLOODY PAPER!!
was heaving abit of relief when the hired invigilator took away my paper. also was shivering the whole time i was in the exam hall. freaking cold! my hand was trembling while calculating and writing down the answers. damn it man. that would slow me down, honestly. if only it wasnt so cold.
y do they always put these kinda temperature? so that ppl wouldnt fall asleep? or u wanna make ppl feel all sick and mucky from nose dripping? haha.. "If you are feeling sick, like having a fever, coughing or having a running nose, please inform us immediately." how does the aircon help some of us NOT having a running nose? i was like laughing away in my own head. stupid announcement. didnt they hear students wheezing and coughing throughout the paper? turn up the aircon laa!
ranting in my blog is a form of leisure time, so i wont have to start studying. haha. okay, end of complains. i really hope someone would complain about yesterday, no kidding. we ve the whole of may and june exam papers going on, know? i think i should also inform them of these. haiz. probably the part time students are already sending them complaining emails, flooding their mailbox. hahaha!!
and exactly 1 month to hokkaido, woohoo! (trying to motivate myself after POA paper)
yesterday, temperature taking and checking of seat arrangement was a waste of time. cant they mobilise more ppl to help us with them? or at least put up more than 1 seating arrangement list outside the exam hall?!
over few thousands students queuing up for temperature taking above hall 3, and than over few hundreds or a thousand fighting to read the arrangement list to know where the seatings are.
den something like, "theres a list inside the hall!" =.= so ppl start to go to the hall and read instead of chionging up to the notice outside. and you ve to queue again to read the list. =.=
clock's ticking. i reached at 9am to queue for cubicle in the ladies. and when i saw the superb long queue (or so i thought for temp taking cos i didnt walk until meeting room 3), i was like, "what the hell? they expect us to take temp when the exam is at 10?!" it was already 9.20am so i told my fren to go directly to the exam hall which is on the other side.
and what a "surpise". when the exam doors are opened around 10 (note this: around 10am hor), theres actually a thermal taking session inside the exam hall. its faster and ppl dont have to sit and wait like what ppl did outside meeting room 3. yeah true, but rmb what i say about the queuing for the seating arrangement list?
so after everyone is done, the exam starts around 10.30am.
oh so u think thats okay, at least 10.30-2pm ma. hello, theres a 2nd paper at 2.30pm! so the head invigilator was like, "no need to panic! we will delay the 2nd paper so it will not start at 2.30pm." well, most students, the year 1 students, were taking these 2 papers at the same day. seriously, that waste of time earlier that day really took us all by inconveniences, and a lapse of exam time.
because i already prepare my exam timing for the paper, setting time for each qns, i really couldnt finish it or rather that time confuse make me gone haywire.
okay, so i attempted all the questions in the paper, but the qns doesnt seem to make sense. like what the hell does the examiner wants?!!
so distressed to find the clock ticking. i dont even know when the exam paper going to end at(extra 15 mins for reading). so i just do lor, without knowing how much time i have left. i estimated each qns timing but so when she says we have 30 mins left, i still have 2 big qns undone. zzz.
i chiong my way through, and i saw the big-headed questions in section C, i was like, "HOW IS THIS ALL SO DIFFICULT!!", chose the easier ones and started doing. it still felt hell to me. AND the chapters i didnt study thoroughly just appear to be the easier ones of the section C.
seriously, i felt like giving up halfway through the paper thinking, i could retake next year what. haha. but haiya, just finish la. what a waste if all these months of poa preparation are just discarded away by these BLOODY PAPER!!
was heaving abit of relief when the hired invigilator took away my paper. also was shivering the whole time i was in the exam hall. freaking cold! my hand was trembling while calculating and writing down the answers. damn it man. that would slow me down, honestly. if only it wasnt so cold.
y do they always put these kinda temperature? so that ppl wouldnt fall asleep? or u wanna make ppl feel all sick and mucky from nose dripping? haha.. "If you are feeling sick, like having a fever, coughing or having a running nose, please inform us immediately." how does the aircon help some of us NOT having a running nose? i was like laughing away in my own head. stupid announcement. didnt they hear students wheezing and coughing throughout the paper? turn up the aircon laa!
ranting in my blog is a form of leisure time, so i wont have to start studying. haha. okay, end of complains. i really hope someone would complain about yesterday, no kidding. we ve the whole of may and june exam papers going on, know? i think i should also inform them of these. haiz. probably the part time students are already sending them complaining emails, flooding their mailbox. hahaha!!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
im selling this shoes, see below, at 15bucks(bought it at $29). anyone interested please contact me. =))
Size 34 (heh =P) non-heels, 1 inch probably at most..
bought them at D&G. wear the pair out zero time, but tested it few times.
my feet are too bendy =.= so whenever i walk 2-3 steps, the back of the shoes will auto dislodge from my heels.

so y i buy them? good question.
cos i think they are really nice looking, plus it should be comfortable if it wasnt for my lousy feet ><.
first tries at the shop are always a sham. u ve to try it out, as in out the streets to know.
to me, i cant bear to see these shoes go wasted, cos its really attractive, haha. anyway, for those who has the size of my feet are welcome to try them at my house. keke. =D
back to mugging for accounts. =( sians. byees
Size 34 (heh =P) non-heels, 1 inch probably at most..
bought them at D&G. wear the pair out zero time, but tested it few times.
my feet are too bendy =.= so whenever i walk 2-3 steps, the back of the shoes will auto dislodge from my heels.

so y i buy them? good question.
cos i think they are really nice looking, plus it should be comfortable if it wasnt for my lousy feet ><.
first tries at the shop are always a sham. u ve to try it out, as in out the streets to know.
to me, i cant bear to see these shoes go wasted, cos its really attractive, haha. anyway, for those who has the size of my feet are welcome to try them at my house. keke. =D
back to mugging for accounts. =( sians. byees
Friday, May 01, 2009
zzz my aircon broke down. i think after installing mine, my brother's aircon also broke down. i guess becos my aircon pipe is link to his aircon pipe.
wah the first day is so cold. den after that, although no sound, theres also no air. *grumble grumble* piangz.
attended my last lesson of the year before exams start. haha. stupid leh actually, to ve the last lesson on labour day. ><
anyway, i took a cab down to liang court after my lesson to ve dinner with my parents and my bro. had dinner at tamtampo. its full of people, by the time i joined them, my parents already got a table, but theres still a long queue outside. hows its so famous i dun understand.
after dinner we went to mediya (supermarket) to buy some groceries. and den sat at starbucks. haha.
and den cab home.
hmm. so sian now. aircon is bailing out on me. sigh.
i go play bejeweled le la. i realised this game can be addictive haha. u just want to beat ur frens' score thats y u keep playing lol.
wah the first day is so cold. den after that, although no sound, theres also no air. *grumble grumble* piangz.
attended my last lesson of the year before exams start. haha. stupid leh actually, to ve the last lesson on labour day. ><
anyway, i took a cab down to liang court after my lesson to ve dinner with my parents and my bro. had dinner at tamtampo. its full of people, by the time i joined them, my parents already got a table, but theres still a long queue outside. hows its so famous i dun understand.
after dinner we went to mediya (supermarket) to buy some groceries. and den sat at starbucks. haha.
and den cab home.
hmm. so sian now. aircon is bailing out on me. sigh.
i go play bejeweled le la. i realised this game can be addictive haha. u just want to beat ur frens' score thats y u keep playing lol.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
yay! although my carrier aircon is 2nd handed, but as long as it works and thrusts no sound, i dont mind at all. besides the air con units in my house are all old anyway, haha. they match what..
and about the weather, its just =.= its like throwing its temper everywhere, everyday. hot and cold, hot and cold. pmsing like a girl, tsk tsk.
i ve been reading skip beat! keke. finishing it though, and ve to wait for the next publish.
y is imeem giving me the 30 secs sample to listen argh! i uploaded the full length, so that i could listen and sing to my fav songs at peace haha!
meanwhile, im still trying hard to mug, man.
i am so carefree, that im not fretting over my lack of studying when exams are so near. haha.
i guess because the 4 modules are stretched over a long period before the next paper starts, which is why i know i ve enough time to study. well, at least the key chapters that i need to know.
the first paper starts on 7th may and my next is on 19 and 20, and den finally 2 june.
woohoo! i keep thinking of hokkaido! since it should be safe despite of the swine flu, im so looking forward to that trip!
hmm. den my internship starting after i come back.
so many to think about, and yet i am so carefree~~ haha!
i suck at bejeweled ='(( i think i going to play some more before i go out study. haha. cya!
and about the weather, its just =.= its like throwing its temper everywhere, everyday. hot and cold, hot and cold. pmsing like a girl, tsk tsk.
i ve been reading skip beat! keke. finishing it though, and ve to wait for the next publish.
y is imeem giving me the 30 secs sample to listen argh! i uploaded the full length, so that i could listen and sing to my fav songs at peace haha!
meanwhile, im still trying hard to mug, man.
i am so carefree, that im not fretting over my lack of studying when exams are so near. haha.
i guess because the 4 modules are stretched over a long period before the next paper starts, which is why i know i ve enough time to study. well, at least the key chapters that i need to know.
the first paper starts on 7th may and my next is on 19 and 20, and den finally 2 june.
woohoo! i keep thinking of hokkaido! since it should be safe despite of the swine flu, im so looking forward to that trip!
hmm. den my internship starting after i come back.
so many to think about, and yet i am so carefree~~ haha!
i suck at bejeweled ='(( i think i going to play some more before i go out study. haha. cya!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
kami sama!! please dont make the weather so hot and stuffy that it is impossible to study at all!
lazy to go library too. so far... need to take bus there leh.
been sleeping in my brother's room cos his air-con splutter no loud noise. mine just have to shake my room so hard as if its wanting to wake me up =.=
and now hes back from tokyo, i ve to bring my mattress over his room to sleep.
tsk tsk, the air-con man keep delaying his time to come and install a new air con in my room.
so fun listening to how my bro talk about jap culture. I kinda wanna live there haha.
im uploading songs to imeem again. finally listened to the new albums of jay chou and mayday. haha. although i know how to sing abit of their songs, that its wierd i haven hear b4 rite. lol.
jya ne.
lazy to go library too. so far... need to take bus there leh.
been sleeping in my brother's room cos his air-con splutter no loud noise. mine just have to shake my room so hard as if its wanting to wake me up =.=
and now hes back from tokyo, i ve to bring my mattress over his room to sleep.
tsk tsk, the air-con man keep delaying his time to come and install a new air con in my room.
so fun listening to how my bro talk about jap culture. I kinda wanna live there haha.
im uploading songs to imeem again. finally listened to the new albums of jay chou and mayday. haha. although i know how to sing abit of their songs, that its wierd i haven hear b4 rite. lol.
jya ne.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
えと。昨夜の出来事ですか?わかんない。 今朝寝不足。 =.=
random blogging now.
I need to focus on mugging now. But somehow, i dont have the mood for it yet. =((
I cant get anything in my head too. =.=
My head keep playing songs that is in my blog playlist.
glad that the company im applying for internship has finally confirmed the internship period. well, it will have to wait after i come back from 北海道。 =DDD
going out for steamboat le. cya guys.
random blogging now.
I need to focus on mugging now. But somehow, i dont have the mood for it yet. =((
I cant get anything in my head too. =.=
My head keep playing songs that is in my blog playlist.
glad that the company im applying for internship has finally confirmed the internship period. well, it will have to wait after i come back from 北海道。 =DDD
going out for steamboat le. cya guys.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yay! the taiwan version of Skip beat!(anime/manga) is coming out soon. I ve the mysterious power to find good anime so that later they would also develop into dramas! hahaha..
Jerry Yan = Tsuruga Ren (the middle guy), Ariel Lin = Mogami Kyoto, (i wonder who the hell act Shotaro, the last guy, haha.)

I recommend this anime. So hilarious and comical that i can die while laughing. >p<
Kyoko followed her true love and childhood friend Sho to Tokyo so she could help him reach his dream of becoming an idol. She cleans, cooks, works three jobs and does nothing for herself because she loves him so much, but gets nothing in return. Still, she remains by his side. But then one day she goes unannounced to his agency with a delivery, and overhears him talking about her; he reveals to his manager that he only took her with him as a maid, and that he doesn't care for her at all. Upon hearing this, Kyoko doesn't just sit around and cry. She cuts and dyes her hair, changes her clothes and attitude and thus begins her journey to join showbiz and have her revenge against Sho.
Jerry Yan = Tsuruga Ren (the middle guy), Ariel Lin = Mogami Kyoto, (i wonder who the hell act Shotaro, the last guy, haha.)

I recommend this anime. So hilarious and comical that i can die while laughing. >p<
Kyoko followed her true love and childhood friend Sho to Tokyo so she could help him reach his dream of becoming an idol. She cleans, cooks, works three jobs and does nothing for herself because she loves him so much, but gets nothing in return. Still, she remains by his side. But then one day she goes unannounced to his agency with a delivery, and overhears him talking about her; he reveals to his manager that he only took her with him as a maid, and that he doesn't care for her at all. Upon hearing this, Kyoko doesn't just sit around and cry. She cuts and dyes her hair, changes her clothes and attitude and thus begins her journey to join showbiz and have her revenge against Sho.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
my jap teacher keep letting us listen to utada hikaru's songs that i like her songs too. no doubt, she has a strong voice (i love singers with ultra booming voice!!). + i have a few favourite songs of hers, flavour of life (u'd heard in hana yori dango), can u keep a secret. angie, my jap teacher, took the liberty to play us a nice hit of utada hikaru, deep river. i was kinda mesmerised by the melody, and now i know how to sing it lol (cos she gave us lyrics with translation too).
maybe u heard it before too. i dunno. i just went to my imeem to check out for flavour of life, and i realised i searched for alot of jap anime/drama OSTs. haha.
Things with me are still pretty laid-back. nothing motivates me. i hate my laid-back lifestyle and at the same time, love it. haha. am still watching anime + playing oblivion, while studying a bit at a time.
it should be a miracle that i going to pass all my papers. but of cos, im determined to PASS all.
anyway, enjoy the soundtracks!
maybe u heard it before too. i dunno. i just went to my imeem to check out for flavour of life, and i realised i searched for alot of jap anime/drama OSTs. haha.
Things with me are still pretty laid-back. nothing motivates me. i hate my laid-back lifestyle and at the same time, love it. haha. am still watching anime + playing oblivion, while studying a bit at a time.
it should be a miracle that i going to pass all my papers. but of cos, im determined to PASS all.
anyway, enjoy the soundtracks!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
School revision started last week and either i ve been going at the wrong timing, or the class i crashed has been cancelled. =.= still no mood for mugging yet.
i kept playing oblivion the whole day. i cant believe i can actually sit for so long to play the game. guess im kinda addicted to it.
so far, my prelim results are okay. 30+ to 50 like that. sigh. fyi, above 34 is passing mark. lol.
people are going for holidays and coming back. but me. zzzz.
my parents been to malacca for qing ming. cheeyong and company just came back from redang. and my beloved brother is in tokyo this very moment, coming back only in 2 weeks time. w-h-y? waiting for exams to be over, so i can be on my way to hokkaido.. lalala..
that company that i went for internship interview ve yet call me for confirmation. im giving them a week more b4 sending them an email. i am so.. whatever..
basically, i haven step in the shopping malls in town for a vvvvvry long time. I ve to stop spending until probably end of exam, cos i found my money depleting. lol.
one other thing remain unsolved. hope i will be able to see it through too.
okay end of entry, nitess..
i kept playing oblivion the whole day. i cant believe i can actually sit for so long to play the game. guess im kinda addicted to it.
so far, my prelim results are okay. 30+ to 50 like that. sigh. fyi, above 34 is passing mark. lol.
people are going for holidays and coming back. but me. zzzz.
my parents been to malacca for qing ming. cheeyong and company just came back from redang. and my beloved brother is in tokyo this very moment, coming back only in 2 weeks time. w-h-y? waiting for exams to be over, so i can be on my way to hokkaido.. lalala..
that company that i went for internship interview ve yet call me for confirmation. im giving them a week more b4 sending them an email. i am so.. whatever..
basically, i haven step in the shopping malls in town for a vvvvvry long time. I ve to stop spending until probably end of exam, cos i found my money depleting. lol.
one other thing remain unsolved. hope i will be able to see it through too.
okay end of entry, nitess..
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
ar, the long-awaited ktv photos! haha!
The duo singing and personal takes!!

Group posing for the camera...

Hahaha..! Love is dreaming with her mouth wide open..


den drooling.. ><


Look to the left pose...

*acting cute..

blowing kisses 1

blowing kisses 2

dreamworld.. somehow jo is late for the dreamworld gate..

thats all! tata!!
The duo singing and personal takes!!

Group posing for the camera...

Hahaha..! Love is dreaming with her mouth wide open..


den drooling.. ><


Look to the left pose...

*acting cute..

blowing kisses 1

blowing kisses 2

dreamworld.. somehow jo is late for the dreamworld gate..

thats all! tata!!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
oh april the 1st, happy april's fool day!
im still slacking haha. hey girls, if want to go mug somewhere again, remember to count me in! or else i would be slacking all the way until revision classes start, haha!
Yea well, last sat went to watch "Confessions of the shopaholic". The title looks familiar, i think i read it before. Yeah, although the title is similar, the story is the same. My book is called "The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic".
How irony, when the book i bought always has a movie created based on that book haha. Yea, like "The Duchess" i bought and still haven finish it yet, is out on movie. Well of cos, thats because i saw Keira Knightley's face on that book cover, which is beside the point. LOL!!
Does that mean I have an eye for good novels? or just coincident that the books i bought were displayed on the bestsellers category? =.=
I'm always curious who the characters in the books are acted out by. Which is why i went to watch the movies. Now whenever i read twilight series, the actors n actresses face just pop out. and it really helps me enjoy the book/series. I'm looking forward to New Moon movie. Wondering how the story will be played.
Okay enough about books.
Sunday, went out with the girls to topone ktv to enjoy ourselves. Sang until we were exhausted haha. Anyway, went in to hip diner for dinner with jj n love after kw n joanne left.
And agreed to meet at imm the next day to study together. At least we are mugging on the similar finance modules but different schools though. JJ = Kaplan, me = UOL, Betty = Murdoch.
Went to jap lesson after studying in imm. haha. Such convenient timings for each of us.
that IT guy from singnet came down to fix my modem on tue. And whew, werent we glad that we can use the Internet again?!
Oh yea, first thing i checked on my email. I got shortlisted for interview from my internship company!
Lets hope that i get it, and that my pay is not as pathetic as the one i got from poly internship. =X
Thats for today. haha. Until i receive the photos from jo. winks*
Jya ne.
im still slacking haha. hey girls, if want to go mug somewhere again, remember to count me in! or else i would be slacking all the way until revision classes start, haha!
Yea well, last sat went to watch "Confessions of the shopaholic". The title looks familiar, i think i read it before. Yeah, although the title is similar, the story is the same. My book is called "The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic".
How irony, when the book i bought always has a movie created based on that book haha. Yea, like "The Duchess" i bought and still haven finish it yet, is out on movie. Well of cos, thats because i saw Keira Knightley's face on that book cover, which is beside the point. LOL!!
Does that mean I have an eye for good novels? or just coincident that the books i bought were displayed on the bestsellers category? =.=
I'm always curious who the characters in the books are acted out by. Which is why i went to watch the movies. Now whenever i read twilight series, the actors n actresses face just pop out. and it really helps me enjoy the book/series. I'm looking forward to New Moon movie. Wondering how the story will be played.
Okay enough about books.
Sunday, went out with the girls to topone ktv to enjoy ourselves. Sang until we were exhausted haha. Anyway, went in to hip diner for dinner with jj n love after kw n joanne left.
And agreed to meet at imm the next day to study together. At least we are mugging on the similar finance modules but different schools though. JJ = Kaplan, me = UOL, Betty = Murdoch.
Went to jap lesson after studying in imm. haha. Such convenient timings for each of us.
that IT guy from singnet came down to fix my modem on tue. And whew, werent we glad that we can use the Internet again?!
Oh yea, first thing i checked on my email. I got shortlisted for interview from my internship company!
Lets hope that i get it, and that my pay is not as pathetic as the one i got from poly internship. =X
Thats for today. haha. Until i receive the photos from jo. winks*
Jya ne.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
i think i becoming a fan of espirit. i keep going there for clothes. probably bcos its the nearest to me than topshop or dorothy perkins are.
seriously i hope they'd just open a new topshop in jp. despite its huge size, Jp has not too much shops that i would wanna go in, except for bodyshop, sasa and espirit.
now whenever i wana shop, i must go to town, which is way inconvenient for me, given where im living at. sigh.
Yday had lunch with my bro and my aunt (we met her at our bus stop while heading to jp) at some peranakan restaurant. Though the place was quiet (2.30pm thats why), the nasi lemak there is good and we ordered kari sotong, *yums*, otah, and drinks. had a pretty decent and full lunch and so we went walking haha.
we stopped at uob to wait for my bro to activate his account. den to mi espirit to buy clothes for miself, lol.
went to ntuc fairprice, japan home and den popular before we went home.
haha. such a nice day.
yea im a pretty contented person if i can just spend some time doing whatever is satisfying for me. Like probably playing online games, watching anime the whole day, or just hang out with ppl im close with.
todays my mums bday, so gotta go celebrate her bday @ some restaurant for dinner later. =)
and well, since my bro is free everyday, im going shopping with him tmr. haha.
i realise something. everytime i blog, its me buying things or shopping. haha, i am frugal, but yet i spend. lol, hey theres still money in my bank k? probably i only spend like few in a month, save some, and den when allowance comes in for the next month, i spend some again. though im proud to say that, my money is increasing, not decreasing. haha. i watch what i spend and how i save. u could say im tense doing such things, but who cares. im a virgo. LOL!
oh and something about me and my horoscope, i believe in them. cos they are mostly true. but i cant say the same for chinese zodiac. we may be cows but sometimes our signs characteristics just differs from our chinese zodiac personality.
i believe in unmei (fate/destiny) too. i believe theres a soul mate for me. now i kinda believe in love at first sight. u wont know he/she is the one until u "sense"your destiny with him/her. Its not like theres a right one for everyone, but something like u found the suitable one, some one u want to be close to forever. someone whose fate intertwine with urs, and this fate make both of u more ascertain of yourselves.
its what i believe in la.
seriously i hope they'd just open a new topshop in jp. despite its huge size, Jp has not too much shops that i would wanna go in, except for bodyshop, sasa and espirit.
now whenever i wana shop, i must go to town, which is way inconvenient for me, given where im living at. sigh.
Yday had lunch with my bro and my aunt (we met her at our bus stop while heading to jp) at some peranakan restaurant. Though the place was quiet (2.30pm thats why), the nasi lemak there is good and we ordered kari sotong, *yums*, otah, and drinks. had a pretty decent and full lunch and so we went walking haha.
we stopped at uob to wait for my bro to activate his account. den to mi espirit to buy clothes for miself, lol.
went to ntuc fairprice, japan home and den popular before we went home.
haha. such a nice day.
yea im a pretty contented person if i can just spend some time doing whatever is satisfying for me. Like probably playing online games, watching anime the whole day, or just hang out with ppl im close with.
todays my mums bday, so gotta go celebrate her bday @ some restaurant for dinner later. =)
and well, since my bro is free everyday, im going shopping with him tmr. haha.
i realise something. everytime i blog, its me buying things or shopping. haha, i am frugal, but yet i spend. lol, hey theres still money in my bank k? probably i only spend like few in a month, save some, and den when allowance comes in for the next month, i spend some again. though im proud to say that, my money is increasing, not decreasing. haha. i watch what i spend and how i save. u could say im tense doing such things, but who cares. im a virgo. LOL!
oh and something about me and my horoscope, i believe in them. cos they are mostly true. but i cant say the same for chinese zodiac. we may be cows but sometimes our signs characteristics just differs from our chinese zodiac personality.
i believe in unmei (fate/destiny) too. i believe theres a soul mate for me. now i kinda believe in love at first sight. u wont know he/she is the one until u "sense"your destiny with him/her. Its not like theres a right one for everyone, but something like u found the suitable one, some one u want to be close to forever. someone whose fate intertwine with urs, and this fate make both of u more ascertain of yourselves.
its what i believe in la.